Terrains Vagues: Tussenland in de Stad
26Jun 2009"Terrain vague" is een term geintitieerd door de Spaanse architect en criticus Ignasi de Sola-Morales om de lege, ongebruikte plekken in buitenwijken, industrieterreinen en snelwegen aan te duiden.
Stefan Bendiks en Aglaée Degros
Artgineering is een bureau voor onderzoek en ontwerp op het raakvlak van stedenbouw en infrastructuur. Het bureau bedenkt en realiseert strategieën voor complexe (tussen)stedelijke gebieden, met...
Museum De Paviljoens
Open Monday and Tuesday by appointment Wednesday until Sunday 12.00 - 17.00 hrs. Closed on the Queen's Birthday (April 30th), and Whit Monday (20 May) Admission fee Adults: € 6,- Museum card (MK...
Hay Kranen
creative concepts & new media productions
Stan Grootes
Jan Siebers
Design identiteit duurzaamheid sustainability creatie innovatie
Innovator conceptontwikkelaar initiator entrepreneur
dop terlingen
Anja van Os
Henri Smeets
World Imageer
Rolf Coppens
Grrr.nl - Professional expert
There are no experts, just experiments. As an interaction designer I work on meaningful interactions between people and systems. In my work I combine technology with images and meaningful concepts. I...
Julian Bleecker
Professor of Interactive Media and Researcher at The Near Future Laboratory
Julian enjoys working at the fringe of sane technology design, in the area beyond the 9-18 month window in which market-constrained research and development is able to operate, but nearer to now than...
Kitty Leering
Freelancer under the name of Dutchblend and Program Director PICNIC
E-Art Dome
René Paré
Director MAD emergent art center [creative research, development, events, publishing, education]
Auke Touwslager
I might consider writing a short description about myself.
Marte Brinkman
Freelance Projectmanager
Projectmanagement and production in the Creative Industries, including advice and realisation. Especially customized for you!
Hanneke Matthijssen
Project Manager Creative Industries Contactpersoon Utrecht en Regio
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
trial & error
Program manager at the Virtueel Platform. Responsible for the PicnicAcademy-HOT100 2009. Organised and coached the RFID & Physical Computing Hackers Camp at PICNIC 2007 & 2008) Bassplayer and...
Macha Roesink
To collaborate with artists, architects, curators and other cultural entrepeneurs for the cultural developments of a new city like new town Almere is a good challenge for a museum director. Macha...
Paige Saez
Paige Sàez is a user experience designer and researcher focusing on the strategy and design of web, mobile, device and locative media applications. In her personal artistic practice, she deals mostly...
Arne Hendriks
Pigeon Tower Artist
Arne Hendriks is an artist and researcher on human ecology. He believes we should be more generous towards ourselves in allowing radical new ideas and practices to re-define our relationship with the...
De Unie
Nachtlicht in Rotterdam
17Jun 2009Naast landschapsontwerpers werken lichtontwerpers aan wat de dayscape en nightscape van Rotterdam genoemd wordt.
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten KABK
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten
27Jun 20094Jul 2009ArtScience, Beeldende Kunst, Fotografie, Grafisch ontwerpen, Interieurarchitectuur en Meubelontwerpen, Post Graduate Course, Industrial Design, Textiel en Mode, Type and Media
Juan Salviolo