Renato Valdés Olmos
Entrepreneur, Designer, Lover of hats.
Founder at My Name is E
Macha Roesink
To collaborate with artists, architects, curators and other cultural entrepeneurs for the cultural developments of a new city like new town Almere is a good challenge for a museum director. Macha...
“I don’t think the world is waiting for t–shirts…
Interview with Nadya Peek
This month at Mediamatic Nadya Peek is heading a series of workshops about wearable technology; technology applied to clothing. Participants will be working on their own garments, to make it beep...
Carlien Helmink
Arne Hendriks
Pigeon Tower Artist
Arne Hendriks is an artist and researcher on human ecology. He believes we should be more generous towards ourselves in allowing radical new ideas and practices to re-define our relationship with the...
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten KABK
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten
27Jun 20094Jul 2009ArtScience, Beeldende Kunst, Fotografie, Grafisch ontwerpen, Interieurarchitectuur en Meubelontwerpen, Post Graduate Course, Industrial Design, Textiel en Mode, Type and Media
Beurs van Berlage
Fashion Show Graduation 2009
19Jun 2009Reservations fashionshow: fashionshow [at] grac.nl
Marlijn Franken
a fusion of art, fashion and new media
Marlijn Franken (1956) woont en werkt in Amsterdam. Marlijn’s beeldende kunst komt voort uit haar achtergrond als kledingontwerper. Een fascinerende speurtocht naar vorm, materiaal en kleur
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans
Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam Volume 10
8Jul 20098Jul 2009The Japanese term 'Pecha Kucha' roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter. As a happy crossbreed between an elevator pitch and speed dating, Pecha Kucha Night will present 12 participants...
Electro Clothing Workshops
In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is touched and clothing that moves when it is cold. Participants...
Arnhem Fashion Biennial 2009
6Jun 20096Jul 2009For a month the centre of Arnhem will literally form the core of the third edition of the Arnhem Mode Biënnale. SHAPE is the connecting thread of the greatest cultural fashion event in the world.
Linda Hordijk
Editor in Chief & Creative Director So Tacky Magazine
Mata Hari / Rooms of Red Bull
Rooms of Red Bull is located at the Oudezijds Achterburgwal 24. Until the end of August, it’s opened for public every Sunday between 12.00 and 22.00, and everybody is welcome for an inspiring day...
Annemarie van Asselen
Director Sponsoring & Partnerships, PICNIC
As the Director Sponsoring and Partnerships I am proud I am part of the Picnic team. It gives me the chance to help building further this great big idea and organization. I consider the whole idea of...
Re-Shaping Attitudes
20Jun 2009De modesector draait om constante vernieuwing, maar staat in het licht van de economische crisis aan de vooravond van complexe veranderingen. De perceptie van waarde verandert en er is groeiende...
presentation: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Electro clothing and Dynamic Maps
17Jun 2009Nadya Peek showed how sexy weekend hacks turn into long term participatory design, and Jeffrey Warren talked about user generated mapping of urban wildlife, disaster regions and pollution levels.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Sound Clothing
15Jun 200915Jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus
Sarah Carlier en Sara Vrugt
6Jun 200918Jul 2009Op 6 juni presenteert Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus twee kunstenaars die werk maken met een sociaal geëngageerde ondertoon. Zowel fotografe Sarah Carlier als modeontwerpster Sara Vrugt gaan in op...
Million Dollar Design
Million Dollar Design is an Amsterdam-based design studio, founded by Anneloes van den Bergh en Pauline Teunissen. Together we join forces to create illustrative design.
Million Dollar Design is an Amsterdam-based design studio, founded by Anneloes van den Bergh en Pauline Teunissen. Together we join forces to create illustrative design. Our work is romantic with a...
Lauren Dyer
Scarabella Buikdanskleding
Fashion Designer
Infectiously happy all the time. Not a real blonde. Small town girl living in a big city.