Stadhuis van Arnhem
Eindexamenshow ArtEZ
26Jun 200827Jun 2008De afdelingen Fashion en product Design van ArtEz Acedemie voor de beeldende kunst en vormgeving Arnhem organiseren de modeshow 2008 en de eindexamen expositie Fashion & Product design.
10Jun 2008Imagine yourself as an avatar, flying through future cities and simulated landscapes. Now picture this virtual world in the real world. What will it look like then?
Edward van der Veen
interactive research presentation Dewi Pinatih
Platform21 = Checking Reality
18أيار / مايو 200810Aug 2008Stel je de wereld voor als een computerspel waarin je kleren 3D-projecties zijn en het GPS systeem je de positie van een object vertelt. Beeld jezelf in als avatar, vliegend door toekomstige steden...
Creative Research Lab: Platform21 toonde van 2006 t/m 2009 creatieve onwikkelingen die nieuwsgierig maken naar de toekomst
Een oude, ronde kapel in Amsterdam Zuid is ons publiek design laboratorium. Hier organiseren wij tentoonstellingen, lezingen en events. Design is voor ons een vehikel om te dromen over de toekomst.
Jongeren in Amsterdam Nieuw West werken aan mode Diana Krabbendam
Pal West Modeatelier
31أيار / مايو 2008Het Pal West Modeatelier presenteert We Were Here: een project van 30 jongeren van 14 tot 17 jaar uit Amsterdam Nieuw West en 10 ontwerpers.
Sie sind wieder da! BG
Berlin Underground
14Jun 2008There’s no evading Lofarmedia’s ambition with this long overdue edition of ‘Berlin Underground’, an event taking place in the PostCS building which is well known for hosting both Club 11 & the BG...
The unlikely place of inspiration
Indonesian south-celebes sutra cloth seen from another perspektif
So I was just walking this morning from Amsterdam station heading to post cs building my daily activity for the last 2 month and coming 3 month , doing a full time graduation project in ,new media...
A conference about ideology and design
18أيار / مايو 2008Société Réalist and Marko Stamenkovic, independent curator and writer, proposed to present the TRANSITIONERS' 2008 Political Trend Collection module in your-space from May 8th to May 25th, 2008, in...
14أيار / مايو 200825أيار / مايو 2008Société Réalist and Marko Stamenkovic, independent curator and writer, proposed to present the TRANSITIONERS' 2008 Political Trend Collection module in your-space from May 8th to May 25th, 2008, in...
Am looking for a soulmate.
I'm seeking a man (open, kind, serious, confident, cheerful, and responsible) who is ready for marriage. I'm looking for a friend and partner, who are really looking for a serious relationship! I...
22Jun 200631Jul 2006Opening: donderdag 22 juni 2006 17-19 uur, Dameskledingzaak Kick, Bijlmerplein 113.
Mediamatic Post CS
8أيار / مايو 2008On the second day of the Sleep-Inn, spiritualism was mixed with experiments. During the daytime participants enjoyed ‘Ghost Photography’ and in the evening there was a séance and more. During the...
Mediamatic Post CS
The art of permanent Laughter
7أيار / مايو 20087أيار / مايو 2008'Mediummatic' was a series of performances and workshops in the Sleep-Inn. This first night was all about having a laugh. A session of laughing meditation for all participants was given by Dhyan...
Kunstenaarsinitiatief Paraplufabriek
About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak
24Apr 20084أيار / مايو 2008"About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak" is a title that expresses resistance. But exactly what do the three artists resist in this exhibition?
Geer Oskam
Niels Hendriks
multimedia designer and more
My daily job is to be a multimedia designer, but I want to create and design the whole world again. "Everything is media, but media is not everything!"
Nele Buys
(www.deconsole.be) (www.flickr.com/de_console) (www.facebook.com/deconsole) ( islandsurroundedbywater.blogspot.com/ )
Aynouk Tan
Aynouk Tan is a (fashion) journalist, curator, lecturer and advisor specialized in the relationship between appearance, gender and identity. By observing appearance from an anthropological point of...
e-Fashion Salon
17Apr 2008What do we wear these days? And how do we present ourselves online? Leah Buechley (USA), Marina Toeters, Jennifer Delano and elfriendo helped the participants to flaunt our fanciest selves.
joke mestdagh
Ondernemend, nieuwsgierig, betrokken. grafisch ontwerper in Amsterdam (vooral drukwerk), docent (voorheen AKV|st.Joost, nu onafhankelijk), & oprichter van nieuweklasse* waar startende (grafisch...