Smart Project Space
15Sep 2011Götterfunken is een voorstelling over de Europese geest, gezien vanaf de fiets gemaakt door het Rosa Ensemble en componist Wilbert Bulsink.
alice mickel
Willem BOON
Pendant ma vie active j'avais mon boulot dans l'informatique, comme chef de clients aux Pays-Bas. D'après un licenciment je suis déménagé vers La France et actuellement j'habite dans le Sud, Midi
Rabia Sitabi
enthusiastic, open-minded, multi-talented, vintage-lover with a napoleon complex.
Don't have any good pics?
Tiffany von Emmel
book: Trevor Pinch, Frank Trocco 1 Jan 2004
Analog Days
The Invention and Impact of the Moog Synthesizer
In this well-researched, entertaining, and immensely readable book, Pinch and Trocco chronicle the analog synthesizer's early, heady years, from the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s.
Cynthia Selfe
Humanities Distinguished Professor in English at the Ohio State University.
book: Alan Montefiore, David Vines 16 Mar 1999
Integrity in the Public and Private Domains
The book explores the issue of public and private integrity in politics, the media, health, science, fund-raising, the economy and the public sector.
Alan Montefiore
Alan Montefiore was a Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford for 30 years. He then became an Academic Visitor at the London School of Economics and is currently Visiting Professor...
David Vines
An Australian economist teaching at Oxford University.
book: Sluys jr, W.N. van der 1 Jan 1942
Het ABC der reclame
"Reclame.... Propaganda.... Bestaat er wel een interessanter onderwerp, waar een auteur over kan schrijven? Juist in dezen tijd ?" Hier kunnen ze bij KesselsKramer nog een puntje aan zuigen.....
book: Kevin Kelly 1 Oct 1998
Nieuwe regels voor de nieuwe Economie
10 radicale strategieën in een wereld van netwerken
In New Rules for the New Economy, Kelly tries to encapsulate the characteristics of an emerging economic order by laying out 10 rules for how the wired world operates.
book: Dan Schiller 1 Mar 1999
Digital Capitalism
Networking the Global Market System
Under the sway of an expansionary market logic, the Internet began a political-economic transition toward what Dan Schiller calls "digital capitalism". Schiller traces these metamorphoses through...
book: Alan Schrift 27 Jun 1997
The Logic of the Gift
Toward an Ethic of Generosity
This book offers several important essays on gifts and gift-giving, and adds to them new essays written especially for this collection.
Wise, Richard
Teaches media studies, specifically media history and political economy.
Doreen Massey
A contemporary British social scientist and geographer, working among others on topics typical of marxist geography. She currently serves as Professor of geography at the Open University.
book: John Thackara 1 Dec 2005
In the Bubble
Designing in a Complex World
We're filling up the world with technology and devices, but we've lost sight of an important question: What is this stuff for? What value does it add to our lives? So asks author John Thackara in his...
book: Richard Coyne 1 Oct 2005
Cornucopia Limited
Design and Dissent on the Internet
In Cornucopia Limited, Richard Coyne uses the liminality of design—its uneasy position between creativity and commerce—to explore the network economy.
Richard Dienst
Professor at the English Department at the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences in New Jersey.
book: Manuel Alvarado 1 Aug 1990
The Media Reader
This new anthology of writings on film and television, all written during the 1980s, throws the net widely to include discussions of a variety of media from around the world.
Banff Centre for the Arts
Arts in the bush
The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility located in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Andrés Jaque
Architect interested on exploring the role architecture can play in the making of societies. And specially interested on thinking of architecture as a political activity.
666: welcome recognition
Dutch arts council (Raad voor Cultuur) recommends substantial raise in Mediamatics public funding for 2009—2012
We were very happy and proud to read the advice about our plans for the coming 4 years. The Arts council of the Netherlands praises our current practice and recommends that the ministry of culture...
Anet Redmer
I help companies innovate through creative thinking.