Perscentrum Nieuwspoort
Premsela Debat - Rijksvormgever
15Dec 2006In het heetst van de verkiezingsstrijd nodigt de Premsela Stichting u uit voor een debat over de noodzaak van een rijksadviseur vormgeving.
exhibition: SM's - Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
Post Horizon
7Jan 200611Nov 2006Video-installatie, dia-installatie en een site specific collage.
presentation: De Balie
5Nov 20061Jul 2007Wereldpremière van het project ‘Skycatcher’ van kunstenares Luna Maurer. Een installatie op het dak van De Balie maakt iedere vijf minuten een foto van de veelbewogen luchten boven Amsterdam.
Passenger Terminal Amsterdam
Nexus conferentie '06
11Nov 2006New Notes Towards the Definition of Western Culture.
Het Compagnietheater
Kunsten '92
29Oct 2006Debat onder leiding van Martijn de Greve tussen verkiesbare Tweede Kamerleden en vertegenwoordigers uit de werelden van de kunsten en het bedrijfsleven.
exhibition: ROC Hotelschool
The Future of Food Design
23Nov 2006"Food is food and design is design" - the consumer generally tends to keep these subjects as distant and separated entities. The only occasions where they appear as a unity is in nicely decorated and...
exhibition: stedelijk museum
Facts, Fictions and Stories
9Nov 200618Feb 2007Two projects by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin.
lecture: Witte de With
Talk - Sacred Selections
19Nov 2006Op 9 november presenteert Witte de With de performance Sacred Selections van Matt Stokes. Voorafgaand aan de performance zal Matt Stokes in gesprek gaan met directeur Nicolaus Schafhausen.
lecture: UvA Auditorium
Identity and Individuality
2Nov 2006Navigating Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity in the Visual Arts. A public lecture bij Dr. Augutus (gus) Casely - Hayford.
Workshop Archive
Workshop Any Media Documentary @ IDFA
25Nov 200630Nov 2006Makers of creative documentaries need to come to terms with an explosion of existing new media channels and practices, in terms of conceiving, producing as well as publishing documentary projects.
exhibition: Showroom MAMA
Mise en Scène
7Oct 200619Nov 2006Mise en Scène will explore the way in which a handful of artists working today use the complex interaction elements - architecture, decoration, lightning, costume, staging, tricks- to build their...
lecture: Mediamatic Post CS
Stroll & Scroll
18Oct 200618Oct 2006As a part of the exhibition Scroll, Mediamatic presents a visual lecture by Tjebbe van Tijen.The presentation was focussed on animation and story telling; the visual narrative media.
Holland Animation Film Festival
Mediamatic Post CS
Mona Lisa's Smile
18Sep 2006A salon with presentations of Nicu Sebe on emotion recognition, Stani Michiels on his nomadic internet cafe and Tjebbe van Tijen on his scrolls.
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
15Sep 200622Oct 200640 years of visual narrative- an overview of the beautiful layered image rolls/ scrolls of Tjebbe van Tijen. Mediamatic hosted this exhibition with long and also very interesting panoramas telling...
Workshop Archive Westergasfabriek
Machinima salon @ Picnic at night
29Sep 2006Op de laatste avond van de Cross Media Week is er een salon over filmen in computergames, de Machinima salon. Met de beste filmpjes, de beste makers, nieuwe tools en de kick off van de Machinima...
screening: Mediamatic Post CS
Cosplay Movie Night 2
29Aug 2006On this night we had a selection of the most inspiring anime from Japan. Three films were shown in our exhibition space, each with a different theme.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Koos Dalstra 1 Jan 1991
Koos Dalstra is a Friesian poet and a cheat.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Joost Niemöller 1 Jan 1991
Joost Niemöller is the soft-voiced, mild-mannered author of the novel Revenge. He is currently writer in residence at the University of Texas, Austin
screening: Mediamatic Post CS
Cosplay Movie Night
24Aug 2006This was a showcase of the most important Cosplay movies, held on multiple nights. Who (or perhaps what) were the heroes of those dressed up like futuristic beings? We gave you the opportunity to...
Mediamatic Post CS
I am my Character
10Jul 2006Tijdens deze salon sprak men over cosplayers, dollfies en tot leven gewekte karakters. Dit alles stond in het kader van de Cosplay exhibitie (The Cosplay Show) dat tussen 15 juli en 27 augustus te...
Friedrich Kirschner
drinks your milkshake
Friedrich Kirschner (D) is an animator and software developer working with realtime 3D environments and funny interfaces.
Symbolic Table: 100% interface-free media player
Mediamatic Atelier RFID project. Not only for children and geriatrics.
Symbolic Table is an interface-free media player. A cultural tool for those who want to work with media without any hassle. It is not an appliance, but a simple table. There are no buttons, no knobs.
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Workshop Interactive Dance Film @ Cinedans
25Jun 200629Jun 2006Together with the Cinedans Festival, Mediamatic organises a workshop on interactive dance film. In this workshop, 16 international dance filmers, editors and choreographers make interactive online...