On wait jodi.org
Put the ticks into startTime
Repeat while the ticks - startTime < amount
End repeat
On mouseUp
Put "jodi.org consists of Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans." &return/quote
Put "jodi.org regard the texture and syntactics of the computer software more-,
Particularly as a visual-poetic fact. If visual poetry would still exist, jodi would-,
Certainly be it's most topical representative." &return/quote
Put "The secret of jodi.org is particularly the dadaist way in which the material is-,
Processed. This happens with a mixture of frivolity and serious reflection. Nothing-,
is left to chance, except when there is no conceicvable reason why this should not-,
be so." &return/quote
put "jodi.org are the stand-up comedians among the users of the net, but at the same-,
time they make sure that their work retains its artistic character. These are artists who give-,
the net a lesson in practical aesthetics, but are still always keen on learning from-,
it themselves" &return/quote
put "So, over the past few months, they have been working tirelessly in Barcelona-,
and in Amsterdam on a CD intended further to refine their highly successful-,
website (www.jodi.org). The CD-Rom OSS/ accompanying Mediamatic 9#2/3 is one-,
on which jodi.org launches an attack on the local operating system. This CD-ROM is-,
like a mirror, just like a blank roll of film or a videotape, free to use. This CD-ROM leaves-,
the system open" &return/quote
put "jodi.org have as always, gathered together in a surpprising form a collection of models-,
which are suitable both for Apple and PC. These models not only figure on the CD-ROM-,
but moreover make connection with the net. From these adaptations and parodies on-,
the neural networks, from these pastiches of internet culture and amusing reflections-,
of genetic algorithms, we certainly should not expect the kind of practical results we-,
would perhaps have in mind elsewhere." &return/quote
put "So long as we realize that this CD-ROM, with everything it has to offer, is simply a-,
beautiful work of art, courtesy jodi.org" &return/quote
put "Paul Groot" &return/quote "end" into jodi.org
make Aspecial jodiControl
translation Olivier & Wylie