Tolhuistuin, Food Center Amsterdam
9Sep 2012CITOPIA is a film-related initiative that CITIES has been developing since 2010: essentially an event in which an identified group is invited to enjoy screenings in a location that can be considered...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Jean Baudrillard 1 Jan 1988
L'Extase de la Communication
Video is out. After a brief but intense period of development it has been superseded by the computer. Yet even this splendid machine at present needs a screen to display its inner ruminations. But...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 1 Jan 1988
Arsenals - Forum des Filmes
It takes two days to travel by train from Cologne to Riga. Alternating flat land and woods determine the view - lots of time to reflect - where am I actually goin g to? The Baltic states with their...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Simon Biggs 1 Jan 1988
World Wide Video Festival / 3. Videonale
Recent developments in video had been marked by the fragmentation of the medium - into well defined styles and genres - the volume of production and their generally technically advanced quality. The...
How to Swap Bodies With Anyone You Want
written by Adam K. Raymond
A funny article about swapping bodies in movies, just for inspiration.
The (auto-) mobile museum
21Sep 201222Sep 2012Met “The (auto-) mobile museum” gaat kunst- projectruimte Rhizomatic letterlijk de straat op – met een expositie in geparkeerde privé auto's, een auto-parade en een echte première: de eerste grote...
Pakhuis de Zwijger
Cinegrid Event: the future with 4K
5Sep 2014The world of cinema, TV and video is rapidly changing. New cameras bring extremely high resolution (4K) footage to almost everyone. But what does that mean for filmmakers, producers and distributors?
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 1 Jan 1988
Travelling Light
Are music videos art?
Steve Bode has his doubts but still reviews two recent compilations; Talking Heads and Depeche Mode. Okay, just this one time then.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 Preikschat, Wolfgang 1 Jan 1988
Identitei/ä/y/ tsnomadism /e/us
After a three-day conference, the Marler Videokunstpreis will be awarded on June 5th to BETTINA GRUBER and MARIA VEDDER for their new production Der Herzschlag des Anubis . As a member of the...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Simon Biggs 1 Jan 1988
The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men
A recent retrospective of the work of GRAHAM YOUNG at the INSTITUTE OF CON TEMPORARY ART, London, allows the opportunity to see the completed cycle of six video's which belong to the series Accidents...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Alfred Birnbaum 1 Jan 1988
Remembering an art of memory
The third Bonn Videonale, to be held in september, will feature a special Japan program. Japan, the Land of Video or is it Alfred Birnbaum, video artist and editor of this year's Tokyo edition of...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Philip Hayward 1 Jan 1988
The Moonlighting Story
How ABC capitalised on cultural logic
By virtue of developing a series of bold formal precedents within mainstream television drama, the American romantic cop show Moonlighting has become one of the most significantly innovative examples...
Goethe-Instituut, Herengracht 470 - Amsterdam
Lost & Found at Goethe-Institut
7Sep 2012L&F is invited by the Goethe-Institute in Amsterdam to curate a night of stray images and sounds on Friday 7 September. Please send us your contribution! found@lost.nl
Cat communication
Aleksandra Kalashnikova
Photographer and image editor at Mediamatic. Moved to Amsterdam from Kiev (Ukraine), where was working as photojournalist for 6 years. Love my life, rock'n'roll and cats.
PDZ* terras
Docu by Night i.s.m. IDFA: 5 Broken Cameras
17Jul 2012De vijf videocamera's van Palestijnse landarbeider Emad vertellen het verzetsverhaal van zijn dorp tegen de Israëlische onderdrukking. Special Jury Award 2011 en de Publieke Omroep IDFA Audience...
Hoi! Ik ben Laura, nieuw in Amsterdam, open, relaxed, een travel enthuthiast, surfing en ik wil graag nieuwe vriendschappen maken
Jan Willem Rijneveldshoek
'I don't believe the sky is blue.' [Bei Dao]
image designer, maker of fine art, ad maker, writer, thinker, believer, optimist, go-getter, sky stormer, zen man
Jorinde Tenten
Jorinde Tenten Webredactie Pakhuis de Zwijger, Cultuurfabriek.nl
UHM 29 Jun 2012
4Jul 2012Every first Wednesday of the month, UHM and Shoot Me Pop Up Cinema will organize a film viewing at UHM- exhibition and project space. We will select cinematic gems we think you might enjoy! In...
PDZ* grote zaal
Beamlab #25
21Dec 2011BeamLab is dé avond over bewegend beeld, met dit keer het thema licht. In het programma: OPENLIGHT, Studio VOLLAERSZWART, Meeus van Dis, Anouk Wipprecht en Circus Family.
PDZ* terras
Docu by Night i.s.m. IDFA: DeWolff
13Jul 2012Regisseur Carin Goeijers volgt de piepjonge psychedelische bluesrockers uit Geleen gedurende een tumultueus jaar.
PDZ* terras
Docu By Night i.s.m. IDFA: Last Train Home
11Jul 2012Aangrijpend portret van Chinese arbeiders die hun geliefde familie achter lieten om geld te verdienen in ver gelegen industriegebieden. Winnaar IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary 2009
PDZ* terras
Docu by Night i.s.m. IDFA: Ballroom Dancer
20Jul 2012Ontroerend en tragisch portret van een danser wiens grenzenloze honger naar succes zijn relatie en carriere op het spel zet. Nominatie IDFA Award for Best First Appearance 2011
PDZ* terras
Docu by Night i.s.m. IDFA: The Ambassador
10Jul 2012The Ambassador toont de achterkant van Afrika, een onderwereld die zich op geen andere wijze laat vastleggen. Nominatie IDFA Award for best Feature-Length Documentary 2011