Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Arjen Mulder, Kristi van Riet 1 Jan 1994
Uneconomic Art
The exhibition Business Art in the Groninger Museum gave rise to the following reflections. A number of businesses were presented as works of art presenting themselves as businesses. The quality of...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Paul Groot 1 Jan 1994
Some of my best Friends are Dogs
The Bozman Simplex Syndrome of the tv commercial, or how I taught my dog to get used to tinned food.
'He leaves it all at the wrong houses.' Mr. Winkle looked perplexed, and Bob Sawyer and his friend laughed.
Paul Groot 1 Jan 1999
All those Senselessly Lovely Clickable Buttons
It's evidently the lot of every new medium: the grabbing desire with which technological opportunity is seized. Hollywood made itself master of the film, Hitler of the radio, advertising took over tv
If I can't dance,
20Nov 200527Nov 2005A series of performances by artists interested in the notions of theatrics, deviating into radio, music, readings, and film. with Matti Braun (D), Gerard Byrne (I), Yael Davids (I/NL), Johanna...
Blam!3 The final Fucking One
NYC 1997 isbn 0 9639459 2 0 English text $25
Norbert Bolz 1 Jan 1998
Die Benutzerillusion der Welt
Zur Bedeutung des Designs für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Zeitalter des Computers
Mundus vult decipi, heißt eine alte moralistische Weisheit: Die Welt will betrogen werden. Das trifft heute wirklich zu. Man könnte mit Nietzsche ausrufen: Heran mit dem schönen Trugbildern. Doch...
Noortje Marres, Richard Rogers 1 Jan 1999
To Trace or to Rub
Screening the Web Navigation Debate
Ever since 'space' has become the ruling metaphor for the electronic realm, geographers have taken it upon themselves to plot the web. They have traded in their conventional tools and have begun...
Noortje Marres 1 Jan 1999
Edge your Way through Orbital Debris!
Orbital debris is defined as any man-made Earth-orbiting object which is non-functional with no reasonable expectation of assuming or resuming its intended function or another function for which it...
Jorinde Seijdel 1 Jan 1999
Theatre and Emotion in the Supermarket
In the 1970s, when people still cherished the nineteenth-century illusion of the arts being superior to the obscene economic reality, the supermarket was a popular metaphor for Western consumer...