PDZ* eetcafé
Expositie Jean Klare
2May 201131May 2011De hele maand mei hangt de expositie van ‘De Grote Atlas van de Belevingswereld’ van Jean Klare in de Zwijger.
De Timmerfabriek
Out of Storage
25Jun 201118Dec 2011Out of Storage is een hedendaagse kunstproject in De Timmerfabriek in Maastricht (onderdeel van Sphinx-complex), waar van 26 juni t/m 18 december 2011 kunstwerken uit de collectie FRAC Nord-Pas de...
Guy Königstein
researching, mapping, curating, writing and giving form to narratives.
2008 Michael Haas, Julian Adenauer, Martin Fussenegger
Paintballs splashing against the windows; a colorful sign of resistance.
The viewer watches the artwork emerge dot by dot, both product and method are intertwined within the artwork.
2009 Julius von Bismarck, Benjamin Maus
Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus
A never ending comic of inventions
A drawing machine illustrating a never-ending story through the use of patent drawings.
2006 Mediamatic Foundation Sissel Tolaas
The Smell of FEAR
Always wanted to know what agony smells like? And how to recognize a flurry of panic? Professional provocateur Sissel Tolaas bottled fear. Scratch 'n sniff!
PDZ* grote zaal
BNO Tallks #8
21Apr 2011Ontwerpers over hun vak, visie, inspiratie en co-creatie. BNO Tallks: all about design! Met dit keer een avondprogramma rond het thema Duurzame designdoelstellingen.
Amsterdam Magazine
Engelstalig maandblad voor toeristen en expats in Amsterdam
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Award Ceremony Hyun Yeu
12May 2011Hyun Yeu (Korea, 1974) will be receiving the Materiaalfonds 2010 Borrower of the Year award. This price is awarded annually to an artist or designer who borrowed money for an inspiring or exceptional...
Workshop is a new concept store that is part of the Arnhem Mode Biennale. Kortestraat 27 - Arnhem
Workshop is a new concept store that is part of the Arnhem Mode Biennale. Kortestraat 27 - Arnhem
Smart Urban Stage
PechaKucha on the Road: Inspire Japan
27Apr 2011On Wednesday 27 April we are organizing a special PechaKucha Night Amsterdam devoted to supporting Japan. This 'on the road' edition will be hosted at the Smart Urban Stage, a pop-up theater...
Arlette Broex
Club Karlsson, gebouw NIMK
MetaMeets 2011
17Jun 201119Jun 2011MetaMeets wants to invite you into the world of 3d internet. "Lets create 3D in the gardens of Co Creation!" Development in 3d Design software, Machinima Making, Virtual Broad coasting, Art, Music...
Cyr Everaerts
OpenToko.org, Kleine Koppel 40, 3812 PH Amersfoort
OpenToko 26 – VVVV for Audio Visualization
3May 2011vvvv is a graphical programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion...
Koelnmesse grounds
Art Cologne 2011
12Apr 201117Apr 2011Art Cologne celebrates refinement in its 45th year. Around 200 international galleries will be showcasing Modern, Post-War and Contemporary art. The high-profile gallery list includes a strong...
Just landed, looking for a job....
Art Director or Designer
PDZ* expo
Creativity in business #1
31Mar 2010De eerste in een serie bijeenkomsten waarbij de toegevoegde waarde van de samenwerking tussen professionele creatieve disciplines centraal staat. Aan de hand van een drietal inspirerende...
Talk of the Town #19
8Dec 2009Talk of the Town is een show & talk over stedelijke ontwikkeling. In Talk of the Town nummer 19 vragen we ons af: kunnen kunst en design een buurt sociaal en economisch verbeteren?
PDZ* expo
What's Up? Output Special
15Apr 2011An extra, international edition of show&talk What's Up? with the jury members of the :output competition.
Tim van Ommeren
Martine Mulder
Copy / Concepts / Design / Events / Production
All-round creative force. One-woman rollercoaster. Making things happen.