Sacha de Leeuw
Workshop Letterhakken
14Jan 2012De Steentypograaf verzorgt vanaf januari 2012 een aantal tweedaagse workshops letterhakken waarin de letter centraal staat. Eerst wordt de lettertheorie behandeld zodat een beter begrip ontstaat van...
Pakhuis de Zwijger
Amsterdam Art and Design Book Fair
27Nov 2011De nieuwste boeken over kunst, fotografie, design, mode en illustratie op één (overdekte) markt. Met verder interviews, boekpresentaties, signeersessies, een impaktafel, designmemory en een...
De Culinaire Werkplaats
the city
28Sep 201129Oct 2011in october city life will be blooming like always, also at de culinaire werkplaats. ever had a piece of urban quietness or nuisance? the city is a dinnerspecial at the intersection of food & art. 5...
Workshop ‘Designing Social Cities of Tomorrow’
14Feb 201216Feb 2012Designing Social Cites of Tomorrow is organizing a three day workshop to explore the innovative design and usage of digital media technologies to make our our cities more social. February 14 – 16
Lumen Travo
Delphine Bedel: Route 66/USA
10Sep 20118Oct 2011Crossing the country by car for a month during the Credit Crunch and the first 100 days of Obama’s presidency, Delphine Bedel photographed the stunning scenery, eclectic architecture and the people
Smart Project Space
The Politics of the Impure
15Dec 2011Get smart: Join the free The Politics of the Impure reading group at SMART project space in Amsterdam. Over the course of four meetings a small group will discuss the various themes from the book in...
Amsterdam Roest
PechaKucha Night Amsterdam Volume 19
19Oct 2011Fascinating stories, ideas and doses of inspiration by twelve enlightened minds, bound by the world-famous rule of 20 slides x 20 seconds.
Transnatural Arts, Research & {future} Design
Repairing the City
23May 2012Repairing the City is about the cultural, economic and creative value of the power and beauty of repair. It is also about the joy of fixing that which is broken. Repairs can be applied to worldwide...
Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam Julia van Mourik, Daniel Bouw, Taco de Neef
Prijs de prijs
13Oct 2011Prijs de prijs nadert zijn ontknoping. Stem op de mooiste kunstprijs en kom naar de prijsuitreiking a.s. donderdag in de Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam. Met een eenmalige performance van Marcel Musters...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
New Order Fest Workshop
29Oct 201130Oct 2011This 2-day workshop is set up in order to develop a vision for New Order as well as imagine scenarios, structures and practices it will stand for. Participating in the conversation are emerging...
De Unie
Architectuur - case
12Nov 2011De Rotterdamse binnenstad zal verder verdichten. Zelfs de kleinste invulprojecten kunnen bijdragen aan het versterken en verhelderen van de stedelijke structuur. Tegelijk plaatst deze nieuwe maat van...
De Hallen
1Sep 2011De herontwikkeling van tramremise De Hallen in Stadsdeel West kent een lange geschiedenis. In het verleden is rondom dit Rijksmonument veel gebeurd, en veel mis gegaan. Op 5 juli jongstleden is een...
Erik-Jan Vaandering
aanbid wat je wilt...maar vergeet je kameel niet vast te maken...
Painter..and yes i'm still alive..
Willem BOON
Pendant ma vie active j'avais mon boulot dans l'informatique, comme chef de clients aux Pays-Bas. D'après un licenciment je suis déménagé vers La France et actuellement j'habite dans le Sud, Midi
Atelier Malkovich
23Aug 200828Sep 2008De tentoonstelling Atelier Malkovich presenteert de resultaten van een prijsvraag aan architectenbureaus, architectuuropleidingen, kunstenaars en vormgevers: 'Ontwerp een vernieuwend en functioneel...
ibrahim abu touq
i have been working into art since 1975
i am a jordanian artist , calligrapher , painter living with signs of the time , trying to create my own style by making combination between the old traditional values and a new freedom of...
Jan-Derk Koudijs
• art • installatie • erfgoed • muziek • lichtkunst • fashion • underground • design • festival • performance • video • pop-up • club • media • expo •
Mathias Forbach
illustrator & web designer, fascinated by art & media technology
out of Lausanne Art school in 05, in media & design interaction section, worked for the lift conference in 07 & 08 as an ilustrator and showed there a game we did with my class. I'm now part...
Mediamatic has moved
After a few lovely years in the Post CS building, Mediamatic is now located in Duintjer CS (the ABN AMRO bank building).
Marius Watz
Artist working with abstract structures through generative systems and parametric software processes. Founder of Generator.x, a curatorial platform for generative art and computational design.
fort ruigenhoek
A_C_N Contemplation
11May 200822Jun 2008This site-specific installation by Mu was built up in one of the rooms in 19c monumental architecture Fort Ruigenhoek /Utrecht. During 11.May to 22.June 2008, it opened to public on every Sundays.
Alice Bodanzky
I worked at Mediamatic as exhibition designer. Currently I am a student at Media Technology MSc Programme. My interest lies on the overlap between stage design and new media. Please, check my work...
Erica Butler
Elise Willems
Kunstforum - Mode als ästhetisch-medialer Komplex