Book: Anthony Vidler 29 Mar 1994
The Architectural Uncanny
Essays in the Modern Unhomely
The book presents an engaging and original series of meditations on issues and figures that are at the heart of the most pressing debates surrounding architecture today. Anthony Vidler interprets...
Ole Bouman
Ole Bouman is the director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute, globally the largest institute of its kind.
Stefano Casciani
Stefano Casciani is a designer, critic,architect, curator, and consultant. He is especially known for his work with the prestigious architecture and design journal, Domus, where he has served as the...
Léon Krier
Léon Krier is a famous architect most renown for his influence on neo-traditional architecture and planners. He is an architectural theorist and urban planner.
Book: Andrea Palladio 1 Jan 1965
The four books of Architecture
Palladio created a singular corpus of architecture, the legacy of which is seen and felt in buildings of all types throughout the Western world.
Andrea Palladio
A Venetian architect active in the Republic of Venice. Palladio, influenced by Roman and Greek architecture, primarily by Vitruvius, is widely considered the most influential individual in the...
Robert Venturi
An American architect, founding principal of the firm Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, and one of the major figures in the architecture of the twentieth century.
Banham, Reyner
One of the most influential architect critics of the twentieth century.
Book: Banham, Reyner 1 Jan 1983
Age of the Masters
A personal view of modern architecture
The impact of Modern architecture through its architects and buildings.
Book: Irina Antonova 1 Jan 1996
Berlin Moskau 1900-1950
A wide-ranging investigation of the significant artistic exchanges between Berlin and Moscow during the first half of the 20th century.
Erica Baltimore
fine art photographer,fashion,theater, dance performances. I make images of people in staged environments with a narrative character I draw my inspiration from my own reminiscene,fashion,film,theater
Museum De Paviljoens
Hedendaagse kunst in een hedendaagse stad voor een hedendaags publiek
Museum De Paviljoens is hèt museum voor hedendaagse kunst in Almere. Het museum organiseert spraakmakende tentoonstellingen, dagtochten naar de vijf landschapskunstwerken in Flevoland, Ongoing Series
Vrije Ruimten Zuidas Artists In Residence
3Oct 20082Nov 2008Zes kunstenaars/architecten hebben hun intrek genomen in het voormalig Sint Nicolaasklooster op de Zuidas in Amsterdam, aan de rand van het Beatrixpark. Waar tot in de jaren negentig monniken hun...
Mediamatic Travel
Networked travel agency
What better way to discover a city than through its contemporary art treasures? Mediamatic Travel is a network of locals waiting to show you around the backside of their cities. From contemporary...
elsje drewes
Roham *
I'm an architect.
Quinten Simons
Andrés Jaque
Architect interested on exploring the role architecture can play in the making of societies. And specially interested on thinking of architecture as a political activity.
Synthetic Times
10Jun 20083Jul 2008Okay, it might not be exactly next door, but for those of you who are in Beijing this month… Check it out! Because this is going to be the ultimate media art show of 2008!
Jeroen Beekmans
Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam
interactive research presentation Dewi Pinatih
Platform21 = Checking Reality
18May 200810Aug 2008Stel je de wereld voor als een computerspel waarin je kleren 3D-projecties zijn en het GPS systeem je de positie van een object vertelt. Beeld jezelf in als avatar, vliegend door toekomstige steden...
Creative Research Lab: Platform21 toonde van 2006 t/m 2009 creatieve onwikkelingen die nieuwsgierig maken naar de toekomst
Een oude, ronde kapel in Amsterdam Zuid is ons publiek design laboratorium. Hier organiseren wij tentoonstellingen, lezingen en events. Design is voor ons een vehikel om te dromen over de toekomst.
realiteit en virtualiteit Dewi Pinatih
Club Real #2
6Jun 2008Wat hebben 'Hacking Reality', 'Doodlearth', 'GPS Drawing' en 'WiiJ-en' met elkaar te maken? Kom naar de club en check het zelf. Vrijdag 6 juni, 20.00 uur bij Platform21 in Amsterdam.
Iskander Smit
strategy director @info.nl