Shadow Search

Open call for proposals

Continuing our research on our forthcoming book 'Arbitrating Attention: reinvesting attention surplus in plausible artworlds' that rethinks the social and economic conditions of art and explores alternative models of remuneration, n.e.w.s. will interact with the dynamic entrepreneurial, academic and scientific community CIS in Bangalore. Imagining “new social and economic contexts for art” this open seminar, brainstorming session and prize-awarding event brings together interested students, professionals and motivated institutions in working to solve the following conundrum:


Shadow Search open call -

Pertaining to the research we are conducting at n.e.w.s. in our forthcoming book, it is very important to be able to find art and artists that reflect the spirit of the query rather than just its literal content. We want to explore the use of natural-language search algorithms that are able to find people and activities that embody the self-understanding of the kind of art we are seeking without specifically using the word art or a related vocabulary. In particular this search engine would allow prospectors in the world of information and databases to discover ‘shadow art activities’ that are partially hidden, off-the-radar, stealthy.

Open Call for proposals

Cash prize: €1000 (the jury reserves the right not to award the prize if no submission fits the bill) Form can be found here. All submissions will be published online (with the exception of personal details). Please see send all entries to:

The selection procedure will take place over several stages:

15 October 2009 : Call goes out, submissions can be uploaded at n.e.w.s.
15 November 2009 : Closing date for entries
20 November 2009 : Final round submissions announced
23 November 2009 : Winner(s) announced


Sunil Abraham, Nishant Shah, Ayisha Abraham, Stephen Wright, Prayas Abhinav, Renée Ridgway

Participation guidelines:

Please send:

  • a Pseudocode representation,
  • a plain text description no longer than 500 words, if required you can add a graphical representation along with the text.

You can find all information and the submission form here.

send all entries to: