Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
3feb 2019Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
2dec 2018Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop
‘O’ Tristana
3nov 201830nov 2021Oesters zitten opgesloten in een zelfgemaakt huis. Als ze eenmaal een plek hebben verhuizen ze nooit meer. Een trieste zaak, vindt kunstenaar Zeger Reyers. Voor 'O' Tristana opende Zeger honderden...
Mediamatic Biotoop Jiwei Zhou
Tempeh + Pizza = Tempehzza?
Tempeh as the dough and top of a pizza
Mediamatic Biotoop Jiwei Zhou
Tempeh is made into sheet materials!
Cooking tempeh as a sheet material
Mediamatic Biotoop Jiwei Zhou
Tempeh Ware is potential in street food wrap!
Inspired by a lot of starch-based street food, Mediamatic is developing tempeh-based eating tool. Eat tempeh as food and as an eating tool at the same time!
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
16sep 2018Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Experimenting Smell on Mycelium
Which smell source will neutralise the smell of the substrate bostel?
Mycelium can grow on beer brewery wastes now. However, it has a unpleasant farm smell. We want to make the fungi material smells good so that it can make people feel good while using it. What kind of...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Meet Zeger Reyers
19apr 2018A new breed of artists is on the rise. They work with living matter, nature and have a strong emphasis in biology and life sciences. In this emerging field of Bio-Art and Design there’s need for...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Grow Your Own Fungi!
12mei 2018It is said that the mushroom, and especially Mycelium has the potential to replace all sorts of (harmful) materials like plastics and batteries. Here at Mediamatic we are interested in the cultural...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
10jun 2018Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
11feb 2018Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop
Kool Kabbage
16dec 20171mrt 2018De kolenoogst pakte goed uit dit jaar. Zo goed, dat boer Krispijn zijn grote witte kool aan de straatstenen niet kwijt kan. Wat te doen met dit voedseloverschot? Deze winter biedt Mediamatic onderdak...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Kool Kabbage
16dec 2017De kolenoogst van winter 2018 pakte goed uit. Zo goed, dat boer Krispijn zijn kolen aan de straatstenen niet kwijt kon. Wat te doen met dit kolenoverschot? Mediamatic trapte af met een kolen-stapel...
Mediamatic Biotoop Kubra Mayda
How to wASH
een zero waste wasmiddel
Hergebruiken, upcyclen en recyclen. Dit zijn enkele kernwoorden die het werk van kunstenaar en ontwerper Caroline Jacob beschrijven. Eerder maakte ze van de stofjes die je kunt vinden in je wasdroger...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
7jan 2018Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Biotalk: The Design Away Perspective
2nov 2017In a world polluted by more plastic than the eye can see, the time has come to find another way of dealing with our environment. During this biotalk, artist Maarten Vanden Eynde, fashion designer...
Annemieke Hendriks
Als Tomatencurator werkt journalist Annemieke Hendriks bij Mediamatic aan een kleine serie over het kunstwerk tomaat. Jarenlang volgde ze de tomaat door Europa. Van zaad tot supermarkt onderzocht ze...
Mediamatic Biotoop Bart Ellenbroek
Building a geodesic dome
My experiences during my third week at Mediamatic
Exploring the possibilities of a geodesic dome built from mycelium.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
18nov 2017Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Aquaponics
1okt 2017Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space.
Mediamatic Biotoop
Bokashi Containers
Composting with microorganisms
The organic waste coming from the kitchen of Mediamatic ETEN finds a special companion in its composting process: the Bokashi container. This system uses effective microorganisms to enable low...
Mediamatic Biotoop What Design Can Do, Stichting Mediamatic
What Design Can Do
23mei 201724mei 2017On May 23-24 What Design Can comes together at Mediamatic in a catering accommodation, to discuss in what way design can act as a catalyst of change.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Conny Groenewegen
Fashion Machine
1jun 20174okt 2017De mode-industrie: een prachtige maar vervuilende zaak. De snelle voortgang van klerenproductie zorgt voor immens grote schadelijke hoeveelheden materi ë le en immateri ë le consumptie, dat...