Tanja Baudoin

Trans links

Some links for, about and related to transgenderism

In connection to Mediamatic's exhibition Kiki! On Steroids, an exhibition about gender, identity, the internet, play, self-representation, community, transformation and more.


Pick your nose partycups, image found on Worldwidefred -

Risk Hazekamps' photography and video, female-to-male
Planet Gender, photography project on gender and identity
Transgender coaching
De Noodles, queer-collective for diversity and freedom of sex and gender in the Netherlands
Continuum, digital magazine on genderdiversity and transgender
Remembering Our Dead, memorial site for murders in the transgender community
Transvestite make-overs in Amsterdam
Theatre play on transvestites and relationships, 12,13,14 september 2008
Transfusion Festival 2007, for all transgenders, transsexuals, family and friends
Trannymals movie

Japanese Crossdress Cafés