Mauricio Corbalán

Cybertheologist and transhumant analyst. Researching on public imagination processes between urban environments and the internet.


Networking at "het blauwe huis" - The self fulfilled prophecy of a counterfactual life. Het blauwe huis, Ijburg. Amsterdam, the netherlands. Inga Zimprich

I studied architecture and urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires during the mid eighties. I lectured there for another ten years, preaching the critical bible of the Frankfurt School and Michel Foucaul's research on architectural devices.
Then I began to research on the impact of internet on urban matters. And the interaction between them and the ambient is what I'm doing now.
I'm co-founder of m7red.
Based in Buenos Aires, m7red is an urban resources network with archives, laboratories and consulting offices. M7 has been working over the last five years with a wide range of experts and non-experts, analyzing, discussing, researching and making proposals on the most pressing political and urban topics. We are working on the boundaries between an NGO, a research group, urban consulting and a strategic forum. Our know-how comes from the analysis and management of exchange processes and transformations between civil society and the nation state’s control.

I'm part of the Blue House project at IJburg, developed by Jeanne van Heeswijk, Herve Paraponaris and Dennis Kaspori , since its very begginings in the year 2005.
I practice yoga in the Krishnamacharya tradition via his son TKV Desikachar.
I'm actually studying Old Norse.


A workshop to deconstruct consensus. Developing democratic tools for the city centre of Porto Alegre. - Workshop Teatro do Chat "Public tools on democratic planning for the city of Porto Alegre" VI Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Presentation of the ofCon website (office of connectivity)at the "Socially Yours" seminar in Hong Kong. - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, HK. China. Daniela Paes Leão


Chatheater first session. Connecting Buenos Aires and Amsterdam at "het blauwe huis", IJburg. - Het blauwe huis, IJburg, Amsterdam. The netherlands. Irene den Hartoog


The making of a glocal neighbourhood. - The ofCon at "Pumping up the blue", Het blauwe huis, IJburg. Pumping up the blue with the ofCon. Het blauwe huis rooftop. IJburg. Pio Torroja


Staging Cities: an assembly for humans and non humans. - Shooting the video of "Staging Cities" about "urban shit" on the Matanzas-Riachuelo river basin, Buenos Aires. Riachuelo basin, Buenos Aires. Pio Torroja, Mauricio Corbalán


The catholic origins of the noosphere - Marshall Mc Luhan.


Raising public awareness on things. - how to make things public? Bruno Latour and the actor network theory.


The high modernist living room. - The Van Nelle factory at Rotterdam. Paying a visit to the "culture planoolog" Hans Venhuizen. The Van Nelle's factory at Rotterdam. Pio Torroja


m7red - The "bola global" natural reserve. hotel+ elevator: the "bola global" environment. Pio Torroja, Mauricio Corbalán


cities or it citizens? new gathering techs don't make any difference. - gathering tech provides us conflict and safety Abandoned buildings at Porto Alegre city centre, Brazil.


blurred thinkings get better perceptions. - blurred thinkings get better perceptions The Hong Kong skyline.