Artist Residencies 2025
Kunstenaars, ontwerpers en onderzoek
Hier vind je een selectie van kunstenaars en ontwerpers die een residency bij Mediamatic hebben gedaan of momenteel doen in 2025. Je vindt hier ook de kunstenaars die onze Labs leiden.
Aromathèque Calendar
Every month olfactory artist Frank Bloem curates a program where experts, artists, designers and scientists shift our perspectives on what we eat, drink, touch, inhale, secrete and smell. Starting...
Interview Melinda Pîrv
Exploring Food, Texture, and Sensory Art
An interview with Margherita Soldati
Margherita Soldati is a visual artist based in Amsterdam and co-founder of Absurd Beings Collective . She graduated from Industrial Design in Italy in 2014 and from Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2018.
13. Mediamatic Biotoop Erica Monde, Mila Benjamins
There’s Not Much We Can Do
12apr 20245mei 2024Toen filmmaker Erica Monde gediagnostiseerd werd met endometriose, het groeien van weefsel dat lijkt op slijmvlies buiten de baarmoeder, kreeg ze vaak te horen dat dokters niks voor haar konden...
Determining the optimal nitrogen level for the…
Nitrogen is a key component in chlorophyll, so it plays a crucial role inside the plant: but what happens when it's too much?
Various researches have shown the correlation between pests infestation and nitrogen leaf content - which depends on the amount of fertilizer you add. What is, then, the fertilizer amount we can...
Piss or get off the pot!
New perspectives for the greenhouse: thinking about an Anthroponic system
It's a rich solution, we produce it, sometimes it's inside us and sometimes it's not - and it connects us all, from the tiniest insect to the mastodontic blue whale. Is it blood? No, it's urine! Let'...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
7jun 2023Have you always been curious about giving yourself a tattoo, but are intimidated to take the first step? Fear not, because we've got you covered! Join our workshop and learn how to give yourself a...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
3jun 2023Have you always been curious about giving yourself a tattoo, but are intimidated to take the first step? Fear not, because we've got you covered! Join our workshop and learn how to give yourself a...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
17mei 2023Have you always been curious about giving yourself a tattoo, but are intimidated to take the first step? Fear not, because we've got you covered! Join our workshop and learn how to give yourself a...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
20mei 2023Have you always wanted to tattoo yourself, but are intimidated to take the first step? This workshop will provide all tools and knowledge you need to leave Mediamatic with a tattoo given to yourself...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
28mei 2023Have you always wanted to tattoo yourself, but are intimidated to take the first step? This workshop will provide all tools and knowledge you need to leave Mediamatic with a tattoo given to yourself...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
3mei 2023Have you always wanted to tattoo yourself, but are intimidated to take the first step? This workshop will provide all tools and knowledge you need to leave Mediamatic with a tattoo given to yourself...
Stick and Poke Tattoo Enthusiast
@delirious.tats is a stick and poke tattoo enthusiast.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Tattoo your Skin ~ Soothe your Mind
29apr 2023Have you always wanted to tattoo yourself, but are intimidated to take the first step? This workshop will provide all tools and knowledge you need to leave Mediamatic with a tattoo given to yourself...
The Links between Tattoo Culture and Autism
Beautiful stimming; the experience of getting a tattoo and giving a tattoo as an autistic person
Our latest interest within the A/artist Project is researching the link between the tattoo culture and autism. The idea came up when I mentioned in my interview at Mediamatic that I am enthusiastic...
Mediamatic Biotoop Lynn (she/they) Clemens
Linking Tattooing with Autism
13feb 2023We've found a positive correlation between tattooing and autism and want to deepen our knowledge about it. I'll share my research on the experience of giving and getting a tattoo as an autistic...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Grieving, Healing, Laughing
23feb 2023Ons leven is bij uitstek gevuld met tijden van verdriet, pijn en verlies. De volgende drie kunstenaars stellen verschillende manieren voor om deze gevoelens te verwerken. Hoe genezen we na een...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Dying, Caring, Encore!
26jan 2023Onze identiteit wordt bepaald door verschillende elementen: haar, DNA, lichaam, de manier waarop we denken, onszelf kleden ... De meeste van deze factoren zijn vergankelijk. Ons haar wordt geknipt
Proposal by: Rosalie Bak
Until death makes us parts
Exploring the phenomena from-life-to-death ~ through haptonomy
This artistic public-research proposal brings together experts and 'the dying' in an intimate setting - where they can co-research, -experience and -imagine the phenomena from-life-to-death and...
Proposal by: Qiaochu Guo
Twining The Underneath
Project proposal: Reading the body through Moxibustion
This project is Inspired by moxibustion which heats up the body by burning the wormwood above the skin's surface, thereby achieving a means of curing diseases. This traditional therapy means to...
Proposal by: Emily Bates
Human Hair Tapestry
Project Proposal: A collective document, and trauma portrait
Hair has played a complex and diverse role within humankind’s cultural history, both symbolically and materially, being utilised within rituals and as memorial or portrait across many communities...
Jenny Konrad
Artist and Designer
Jenny Konrad is a visual translator of information who researches and appropriates methods, medias, tools and materials to transform raw content into experiences that are digestible to constantly...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Weimin Zhu
Playful Jewelry for the Inner World
26aug 202231dec 2024'Playful Jewelry for the Inner World' is een collectie van zilveren sieraden die de drager uitnodigen om meditatief te bewegen. Door de ritmische bewegingen kom je dichterbij je innerlijke wereld
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Piss, Death, Stress
28jul 2022Pis, afval, sex en je eigen sterfelijkheid: dingen waar je misschien liever niet over nadenkt. Maar, wat als we dit wél doen en het ongemakkelijke om kunnen zetten in iets bruikbaars? Tickets...