Retort Art Space
Foto-expositie Desire for Devotion in Retort Art…
27mrt 201124apr 2011De tentoonstelling bestaat uit foto’s die ik maakte tijdens reizen naar Japan, bedevaartplaatsen in Europa en begraafplaatsen in Mexico tijdens Allerzielen.
Onomatopee project-space
Global Villaging
8apr 201129mei 2011Come and experience personal exchange in a globalizing world: a post-exotic transcultural play of positions! Various Dutch and Flemish artists tempt us to experience a present-day cultural economy...
CREA café
De economie van geluk
7mrt 2011Jarenlang is het thema geluk door politici, economen angstvallig vermeden. Geluk, daar hielden filosofen en frivole dichters zich mee bezig, dat had niks te maken met beleidsvorming en werd al zeker...
techMAP is the real world and online community that pioneers the evolution of business through the practical application of technology for marketing, advertising and PR professionals across multiple...
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Ignite Amsterdam 6
9feb 201115 short, smart and clever talks, joined and bound by one simple rule: twenty slides, five minutes. We selected fifteen artists, designers and a lost theorist who build, design and construct. Ignite...
KAdE Kunsthal
'Peeping Tom'
19feb 20118mei 2011Een ‘Peeping Tom’ is “een nieuwsgierige kerel die overal zijn neus in steekt”.
Hanka Silverlake
a turbo folk singer
Waag Society
Making a field of interpretation for Biosolar…
15feb 2011Experiments and discussion at the Waag: Would you like to experience how transgenic plants and animals are produced in order to provide for human energy needs?
Furtherfield is an artist led media art organisation based in London. We believe that through creative and critical engagement with practices in art and technology people are inspired and enabled to...
C&H Art Space
Bad Girls
19feb 201126mrt 2011C&H Art Space is pleased to annouce the opening of the new gallery. The group show “Bad Girls” will be the first exhibition and consists of work from the following artists: Jo Benink, Melanie Bosboom
Karolien Buurman
coordinates communication
I am a psychologist, I study people's minds and behavior. I organize exhibitions, as I do here at Mediamatic, next to coordinating communication, setting up events and making newspapers. I like...
Mijn inbreker en ik
Onderzoek naar de boef
Kaweh Modiri woonde in een verlaten fabriek in Noord. Op een avond brak zijn inbreker in en stal zijn laptop. Via een omweg wist hij zijn laptop terug te krijgen, maar dan begint het verhaal pas.
Smoke Pong, 2009
Game: smokers only!
After a year of being bullied by the EU smoking ban, Lieven van Velthoven wanted to boost the smoking crowd's moral, and help smokers feel a little bit better about themselves. He developed a version...
Nictoglobe Magazine
Final Call: Reclaim the Mind
19jan 201131jan 2011Call for Submissions Deadline: January 31 2011 Friction Research Issue #4, Spring 2011 "When the possibility of expressing social reform vanishes, time has come to change our minds. 2010...
For the Love of God
18dec 20102010 staat te boek als het jaar waarin er grove misbruik schandalen binnen de katholieke kerk naar boven kwamen geborreld. Snodevormgevers & Anthony Kleinepier geven in de kerstperiode hun ongezouten...
18dec 2010In The Cloud neemt theatergroep Space de toeschouwers mee naar het jaar 2060 om vanuit daar terug te kijken naar het heden. Het is 50 jaar geleden dat de omwenteling plaats vond en de huidige...
Interactive installation Dana Gordon, Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Nadya Peek 1 jan 2010
The ikBijt confesses for you
Bite down on this installation and listen to all your web 2.0 sins. You'll be the only one who can hear them, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to better your life.
Day 4: Red, Red, Green
See who can look the longest at the other without blinking. Winning means eternal glory, losing everlasting humiliation.
Veerle Devreese
Steel Sky
18nov 201028nov 2010This responsive environment confronts the visitor with an acoustic representation of his electrical brain activities : a ceiling of steel segments responds to your state of consciousness in real time.
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Synthetic Aesthetics Salon
28okt 201028okt 2010Salon Thursday October 28, 8 pm, with Sascha Pohflepp, Sheref Mansy, Lucy McRae and Koert van Mensvoort. Science and technology are moving closer to adding living organisms to our cultural toolkit.
Witte de With
Rotterdam Dialogues
19nov 201020nov 2010Witte de With presenteert een tweedaags symposium met lezingen en dialogen, en een masterclass door Wendelien van Oldenborgh. Rotterdam Dialogues: Morality is de op één na laatste Act van het...
Frascati, STUK Kunstencentrum
The manifold (after)lives of performance
13nov 2010De Appel presenteert in coproductie met STUK Kunstencentrum (Leuven) en in samenwerking met Frascati The manifold (after)lives of performance Part II, een tweedaagse conferentie waarbij wordt...
An interview with Kareem Lotfy
Cairo, the tale of love and hate.
Over a big plate of sushi, some green tea and lots of wasabi, we discussed Kareem's experience of Amsterdam, living in Cairo and feeling like a tourist.