Een baan is prettig, tijd om leuke dingen te doen is essentieel!
Trouw Amsterdam
Contemporary Art Club
29mrt 2012Comprised of an exhibition, a large-scale performance, lectures and interviews, and a dazzling club night, this all-night event will demonstrate the intersection of the club scene and contemporary...
Andres Palacios
PDZ* expo
What's Up? #47
3apr 2012Interviewprogramma met creatieven. Tinkebell, illustrator Raymond Lemstra, fotografe Aisha Zeijpveld en Lava zijn te gast.
Alex Beckers
Do a Barrel Roll
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Ignite Amsterdam 14
25jan 2012With our eye on the Global Game Jam happening at the end of the month, we invited a few young, experimental game designers to share their latest projects. Furthermore, we're diving into (Dutch...
Katinka van Gorkum
Katinka van Gorkum is a graduate student at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. She is a filmmaker.
Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus
Somehow, somewhat in the middle of things.
24mrt 201210jun 2012LhGWR heeft met curator Hester Keijser (Empty Quarter Gallery, Dubai) een groepstentoonstelling samengesteld met een bijzondere internationale line-up. Centraal in de tentoonstelling staan de...
PDZ* grote zaal
Debat: Fotojournalistiek in opdracht
27mrt 2012Fotograferen voor NGO's: wat voor invloed heeft dat op fotojournalistiek in het algemeen? Met o.a. Arno Haijtema, Evelien Schotsman (Oxfam Novib), Adriaan Monshouwer en Zilveren Camera winnaars.
Bertien van Manen - Let's sit down before we go
22mrt 201224jun 2012More than 60 photos will be on show, created between 1991 and 2009. Intimate and sometimes tender photos resulting from Van Manen's personal and sincere relationship with the people she met on her...
The New York Times Magazine Photographs
22mrt 201230mei 2012The New York Times Magazine Photographs is an exhibition that reflects upon and interrogates the very nature of both photography and print magazines at this pivotal moment in their history and...
Lecture: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Internationale lancering ZAM magazine
14mrt 2012ZAM Africa Magazine is een kwartaalblad over kunst, cultuur en politiek in Afrika. Op 14 maart wordt de lancering van de eerste internationale uitgave gevierd. De avond staat in het teken van ZAM in...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
'Me trane gaan overal'
8apr 201110apr 2011Op 9 en 10 april vond ‘Me trane gaan overal: The Dushi Kimberley Experience’ plaats. Opening was op vrijdag 8 april. De overzichtstentoonstelling gaf een kijkje in het leven van de Rotterdamse...
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Ignite Amsterdam 15
29feb 2012From design and new technologies that deal with nature's intricate structures and workings, to game art and cat movies. We learned all about window agriculture and the first 3-dimensional model of a...
Huis Marseille
Guy Tillim / Second Nature
2mrt 2012“My journeys have been idiosyncratic, often purposeless, not so much to commit journalism as to travel for its own sake.”
WeAreVoid - March Introduction
2mrt 2012Come see the works of Void's March artists, enjoy the music and drinks!
Torch Galley
Anya Janssen - The Shapeshifter
25feb 20127apr 2012An exposition that resparks a sense of wonder; constructed out of paintings, an electronic sound-installation by Fiumara, a story by van Heemstra and a short movie by Savert and Janssen.
Nikkor Lens
AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G
This is a Nikkor lens for a digital Nikon camera. This lens can be and is usually used with the Nikon D3100 camera, which Mediamatic owns. The 35mm focal length is roughly equivalent to 50mm on an FX...
Chris Relleke
Independent Film Professional
Chris Relleke made several art films and co-founded in 1983 the Amsterdam Movie House, even before he went to the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy , from which he graduated cum laude in 1989. His work...
Joris Roovers
Web editor / Communicatie
Als geboren en getogen Brabander ben ik uiteindelijk in Utrecht beland. Na een bachelor kunstgeschiedenis heb ik me gespecialiseerd in moderne en hedendaagse architectuur en ik hou me bezig met het...