Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Charley Toorop in Parijs
18feb 20109mei 2010Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen verzorgt een overzichtstentoonstelling van Charley Toorop in Parijs. De tentoonstelling, die vorig jaar meer dan 130.000 bezoekers trok in Rotterdam, is vanaf 19...
Nelly Voorhuis
Smart Project Space
Bird on the Wire (NL)
19mrt 2010Subbacultcha! night in Smart Project Space
doorbreekt de eentonigheid van de openbare ruimte.
De persoonlijke leefomgeving kan veel persoonlijker, veel levendiger. STOOKOVEN gelooft dat kunst hier een belangrijke rol in kan spelen.
en wat al niet meer
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Urban Tourist Superheroes in Space
26mrt 201026mrt 2010Een gevarieerde Salon met presentaties van kunstenaars Basim Magdy (Cairo/Basel), Maha Maamoun (Cairo) en Iman Issa (Cairo/New York). Ter afsluiting draait Tarek Atoui (Libanon) funky acoustic...
The People United Will Never Be Defeated.
19feb 201018apr 2010Van 19 februari tot en met 18 april presenteert TENT. de groepstentoonstelling The People United Will Never Be Defeated. Een actuele tentoonstelling rondom de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 3 maart...
Galerie 32-34
Marenka Gabeler
27feb 201010apr 2010Duo-tentoonstelling van Marenka Gabeler en Doina Kraal
Felix Meritis
Het Institut Néerlandais
4mrt 2010Al 53 jaar stimuleert het Institut Néerlandais (IN) de culturele uitwisseling tussen Nederland en Frankrijk. Elk jaar opnieuw zet het IN een rijk programma op gebied van beeldende kunst, muziek
CBK 's-Hertogenbosch
Oproep tot deelname aan ‘free exosure night’ in 27 februari in het CBK
Op 27 februari zal het pand aan de Hekellaan 2 in ’s-Hertogenbosch in het teken staan van een grootse happening. Het thema van dit event is ‘ComeBacK; uitzwaaien en terug komen’. Van 21:00 tot 4:00...
19feb 201024feb 2010Streetlab_ & Bright Young Things present an exhibition about the subconscious power of imagery, the things we say by arranging them and the effects created by adding something to play to our natural...
Iman Issa
Visual artist.
Iman Issa (b.1979, Cairo) is an artist based in Cairo and New York. Her group and solo exhibitions include Trapped in Amber, UKS, Oslo (2009), 7th Gwangju Biennale (2008), Cairoscape, Kunstraum...
Hala El Koussy
Visual artist.
Was born in Cairo in 1974. She started working as a freelance photographer in 1998. In 2002, she completed an MA in Image and Communication at Goldsmiths College, University of London and lectured on...
Koosje Hofman
partner en mede-oprichter van www.denieuwecollectie.nl culturele projecten, tentoonstellingen, educatie, boeken, (kunst-) geschiedenis
Mascha Rood
Marketing & Communications @ Koninklijke Jumbo with a focus on online; Former Product & Brand Manager Virtual World/Online Games with experience in Communications, PR & Marketing.
I'm an enthusiastic, driven, communicative person with a great interest in art, culture, design, new media and games. I try to keep up with the newest developments and to incorporate these elements...
Arnold van Bruggen
The Sochi Project
Arnold van Bruggen (1979) is a writer and filmmaker. With his journalistic production agency Prospektor he has written and filmed numerous stories. In 2001 he published his first major reportage in...
Jeanne de Bont
I work as a design researcher for Philips Design RD&i team and I work on projects with my partner Henk Lamers owner of Loftmatic. Our latest project: Documentary Zombies en Fundamentalisten by Konrad...
Proviant uit Groenland
Anya van Lit en Joost Bottema over Bardot Proviant Klub
Zaterdag 16 januari 2010 vanaf 20:00 uur opent bij Mediamatic de tentoonstelling Bardot Proviant Klub. Anya van Lit en Joost Bottema presenteren hun reportage over het leven van de Inuit in Uummannaq
Is it a man or a woman?
Pedro Meyer’s fascination for nudes, hermaphrodites and transvestites
Brazilian artist Pedro Meyer doesn't just paint nude women. With his painting-installation “Transvestite Bathroom” he plays with the notions of seduction and strangeness. The Rio de Janeiro pavilion...
A temple for the male muse
7 questions for Olga Jitlina
Olga Jitlina and Katja Sokolova are curators of the St. Petersburg pavilion that opens Saturday 5 December at the Amsterdam Biennale 2009 at Mediamatic, at 20:00 hrs. The woman has been a muse for...
The evolution of a brand
Conversation with Sabine Delafon, curator of the Milan pavilion
For the Amsterdam Biennale performance artist Sabine Delafon created a special exhibition with her Sabine Delafon Corporation. It opens on Saturday 21 November at Mediamatic from 20:00 hrs, along...
Living on the edge
Interview with Caroline Woolard, curator of the Brooklyn pavilions
For her second pavilion in the Amsterdam Biennale, Caroline Woolard curated Temporary Services into the Brooklyn Pavilion. They organized a one-off newspaper, focusing on art labor and economics in...
Tearing down the wall
Daniële Marx about the the physical and mental wall of Porto Alegre
Curator Daniele Marx shows works from Brazilian artists in her pavilion in the Amsterdam Biennale, that opens the 14th of November.
It might seem familiar
26feb 201016jun 2010This spring Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam presents an exhibition by the Amsterdam-born photographer and filmmaker, Ari Marcopoulos. Marcopoulos (b. 1957, Amsterdam) set off for New York in 1979 and...