Jamie Templeton
Jamie Templeton is a photographer who’s work is of familiar places and people, with a subtle nod to the adaptation needed to survive. Whether it’s a nature scene or an urban portrait, there is a...
Malc Dow
Ronmandos Gallery Amsterdam
'Great Big Men' by John Scott
21feb 200921mrt 2009RONMANDOS Gallery Amsterdam proudly presents GREAT BIG MEN, the Dutch premiere presentation from the prize-winning, Canadian artist John Scott.
Edward Pranger Oriental Art Gallery
Feminine Sensitivity
7mrt 20095apr 2009Yoshiko Matsumoto Gallery is pleased to announce the 2 person exhibition Feminine Sensitivity, the first exhibition of Korean artists Jeong Ho Park (South Korea, 1958) and Saerom Park (South Korea
Adam Etmanski
Adam Etmanski is a photographer who lives and works in Amsterdam. His work was presented at Foam and also in the exhibition space Le Bal in Paris. Previously, he showed his work in Rencotre d’Arles...
Sara Bjarland
Sara Bjarland obtained her bachelor degree in 2004 at the Kent Institute of Art and Design in Rochester (UK) and her masters in 2007 at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. Sara's work as an...
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Commentaar Kiki on Steroids! tentoonstelling
Oorspronlijk geschreven op post-its
Hier volgen wat commentaren die zijn achtergelaten door de bezoekers van de Kiki on Steroids! tentoonstelling.
De KunstSuper
17jan 200921mrt 2009Van den Bemd vraagt tijdens BED mensen die woonachtig zijn in de buurt van de KunstSuper of hij hun slaapkamers mag fotograferen. Deze foto's vormen een uitgangspunt voor de tekeningen en installatie...
Philip Driessen
13feb 200912mrt 2009Vrijdag 13 februari vindt bij VillaNuts op het Westeinde 60A in Den Haag de opening plaats van de expositie ‘Deadline’. Deze expositie bestaat uit werk van het Amsterdams’ fotografencollectief Onze...
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Sensational Fix
30jan 200910mei 2009The exhibition is devoted to the activities of the experimental guitar band Sonic Youth, which profoundly influenced style in the music and art scene from its founding in 1981. This is shown by the...
Media aandacht voor Ik R.I.P. ‘09
Radio Amsterdam FM, interview Willem Velthoven over de achtergronden van de tentoonstelling Ik R.I.P. (29 januari 2009) Radio 1 Journaal , Marc-Robin Visscher interviewt Willem Velthoven tijdens de...
Mar Chen
Alex Berger
Alex (24) houd van hobby's, puzzelen, buren, fotografie, gitaar en de vuilnis van Callista buiten zetten.
Saskia Noordhuis
initiator Noordjes Kinderkunst in Amsterdam Noord
Saskia Noordhuis, artistic leader and initiator of Noordjes Kinderkunst (2007).
HI. My name is Jekaterina. I was born in Belarus(white -russia), I live about 10 years in The Netherlands.
Rolf Geerts
Laura d'Ors
“...but though his studies had not gone far enough to be of much practical use, they had fed his fancy and made him aware of huge cloudy meanings behind the daily face of things.”