Floris Hollestelle, 1956 NL, lives in Amsterdam working as a designer. He passed through art school and has a masters degree in clinical psychology. Among his publications are a book on multimedia (Handboek Macromedia Director; 600p. Pearson Education) and a booklet on supervision in family therapy (Willem Arntsz, Utrecht).
Software: Adobe Suite CS4 (Indesign, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, GoLive, Flash).
Coding: XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP/MySQL, Actionscript.
Languages: Dutch, English, German, and French.
Floris Hollestelle
Web designer/grafisch vormgever, psycholoog
Nieuwe media / psycholoog.
Interior design
Contact informatie
- Floris Hollestelle Hollestelle
- Ruysdaelstraat 104hs
- 1071XH
- Amsterdam