

Museumnacht Amsterdam 2021

6 nov 2021
13 nov 2021

Het werkwoord beffen is nog steeds omgeven met schaamte en rode oren, maar niet overal! Mede onder invloed van sociale media verpreutst de maatschappij maar tegelijkertijd wordt vrouwelijke seksualiteit steeds meer omarmd. Het BEFtival is de plek om (vrouwelijk) genot te bekijken, bespreken, ervaren en te vieren.

Kruip in een Orgasmatron; gebruik je tong als interface, ontdek porno voor de analfabeet; kom begeleid wipkippen en schommel jezelf tot hemelse hoogtes; maak schaamteloze sieraden; geef je gender aan de Godin van de zee; teken je wildste fantasieën; laat je inspireren met seks voor gevorderden; luister naar een culturele beschouwing over vrouwelijk genot; geniet van een bef-diner en ... kom!

Tickets alleen via Museumnacht


Still shot from Nelke's performance - During Beftival  at Museumnacht 2021 Nelke Mast   performs as a 'housewife' to create a visual commentary on gender roles by deconstructing and re-establishing prominent gendered sexual archetypes. Caroline Aravicius, Nelke Mast

Met: Nelke Mast


Klik hier voor het programma overzicht.


Museumnacht 2021: Beftival
6 november van 19:00 tot 24:00
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets via Museumnacht

Wij houden rekening met veiligheid ivm corona bij onze events.

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Dit programma is samengesteld door Ine Poppe en Olga Middendorp in samenwerking met Mediamatic.


Beftival participant riding on Jin Lee's sex toy-shaped seesaw - At Beftival  during Museumnacht 2021 artist Jin Lee  asks: "Can a sex toy be a toy?" and transforms sex toys into slides, seesaws and swings that participants can ride and play with. Caroline Aravicius, Jin Lee


Beftival Logo - Olga Middendorp, Ine Poppe


Sitting around the fire - A cosy hangout spot during Beftival  for people to gather, warm up, drink and talk.  Caroline Aravicius


Olga and Ine having pre-drinks at the opening of Beftival - Artists and guests gathered at Mediamatic's restaurant for opening drinks at Beftival Caroline Aravicius


Audience during LIKKEN, a performance by Victor Engbers - Audience during the performance  LIKKEN  by Victor Engbers  at  Beftival  during Museumnacht 2021 Caroline Aravicius


Genotszoötroop - Olga Middendorp's Genotszoötroop presented at Beftival  during Museumnacht 2021.  By turning the carousel, drawing become moving images that bring sexual fantasies to life.  Caroline Aravicius, Olga Middendorp


Eating oysters during Beftival - As part of   Beftival  during Museumnacht 2021 participants could use their licking skills to devour delicious bites that chef and designer Yacinth Pos had prepared Anisa Xhomaqi, Yacinth Pos


Touching the giant hanging clit - Objects of Desire by Pleun van Dijk  is a series of selected images representing human genitals as well as sex toys that were translated into a dataset of a machine learning model and displayed at Beftival during Museumnacht 2021. The series investigates the increasingly intimate relationship between human and technology. Anisa Xhomaqi, Pleun van Dijk


Female Textures by Irma Joanne - Female Textures , a series of intimate video projections of fleshy textures and liquid movements from the work of Irma Joanne projected on Mediamatic's little greenhouses. The work is part of   Beftival during Museumnacht 2021.   Caroline Aravicius, Irma Joanne


Still shot from Nelke's performance - During Beftival  at Museumnacht 2021 Nelke Mast   performs as a 'housewife' to create a visual commentary on gender roles by deconstructing and re-establishing prominent gendered sexual archetypes. Caroline Aravicius, Nelke Mast

Met: Nelke Mast

Having drinks during Beftival - Participants enjoying a drink by the fire during Beftival  at Museumnacht 2021.  Caroline Aravicius


A liquid ostentatious act by Barbarizsm - Photo credits:  Olga Middendorp, Barbara van Ittersum and Vincent Boschma. Olga Middendorp, vincent boschma, Barbara van Ittersum


Cruising by Melanie Bojano & AKINCI with friends DRAGA DINA & OLIEBOL - Presented at ART BAR KIPPY, a cuddle coven pussy with singing clitorises vincent boschma, Melanie Bonajo


Guests during the BEF Film Dinner - Guests at the Mediamatic restaurant during the BEF film dinner, a six-course dinner experience that is a collaboration between chef and designer Yacinth Pos  and film critic  Laura van Zuylen  as part of  Beftival. Yacinth Pos, Anne Lakeman