Das Arts
The Yes Men
29nov 2005A nice presentation of megalomanic world domination cloaked in a shroud of anti globalist activism served straight up with a large shot of common sense and a wink and pinch in the butt to go.
Diego Marani 1 jan 1999
from productive process to language<br>
Regelmatig verschijnen in het Belgische weekblad Le Soir Illustré satirische artikelen van de hand van Diego Marani in het Europanto. Hebben we hier te maken met een nieuwe kunsttaal, een alternatief...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#1 Richard Wright 1 jan 1992
Brenda Laurel, Computers as Theatre, Addison Wesley Publishing Company Incorporated Boston MA 1993
Computers are not tools for processing data, but a medium for representing actions in which human beings participate. What started life as a way to make computers easier for people to use and evolved...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Michael Sikillian 1 jan 1993
Walter J. Ong, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word, Routledge, London 1988
The term 'global village' has become a commonplace in the media to describe societies created and sustained by electronic technology. But are digital computer systems replacing the visual print...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Norbert Bolz 1 jan 1994
De Zin van de Oppervlakte
Het traditionele design loopt stuk: nu door de Digitale Revolutie alles oppervlak aan het worden is, en de dingen waar wij mee omgaan, door hun toenemende immaterialiteit, in 'black boxes' veranderen
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Geert Lovink 1 jan 1993
Michael Wetzel, Die Enden des Buches oder die Wiederkehr der Schrift, Acta Humaniora Weinheim 1991
For a number of years, Michael Wetzel was coordinator of the (now closed) Kassel research project Metadisciplinary Literature Analysis. In this capacity, he is well-informed on the state of affairs...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#4 R.K. Joshi 1 jan 1996
The Religious World of Letterforms
Various writing systems either pictographic, alphabetic or syllabic in nature, developed in different parts of the world over different time-frames, have been associated with the spoken or written...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#1 Bert Mulder 1 jan 1992
Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press 1977
We build information systems: hundreds of people sitting in front of screens that glow and that, interconnected, create an environment supporting their works and desires.