De Code Noir: Een korte, maar krachtige…
Winston Churchill verklaarde dat "degenen die niet van de geschiedenis leren, zijn gedoemd om het te herhalen." Ons aankomende Neo Futurist Diner toont aan hoe belangrijk het is om te leren van ons...
A look at the history of Caribbean cuisine
A blog for Code Noir
Whether culture, tradition or simple sustenance, food is a central part of human life. It also carries great symbolic value. To share a meal goes beyond the food itself; it extends to an experience...
Mediamatic Biotoop
18jul 20202aug 2020There is no parade this year, but we still think it is important to celebrate identity in all its facets. That is why Mediamatic has a program during the pride week that gives an ode to the...
Als vooruitstrevende publieke culturele instelling vinden we diversiteit, in al zijn facetten, essentieel. We streven actief naar bewustwording en implementatie van een meer transversale en integrale...
Chair of Sal(i)vation
Beyond the secret act.
Have you ever accidentally felt an old piece of gum underneath a chair while moving it? Or touched one with your knees underneath a table/desk?
Iines Råmark
Workshop Producer
I'm Iines (with two i's), and I'm originally from Finland. In the past 15 years, I've lived in various countries - and am now based in Amsterdam. My background is also varied, including anthropology
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Biotalk: The Design Away Perspective
2nov 2017In a world polluted by more plastic than the eye can see, the time has come to find another way of dealing with our environment. During this biotalk, artist Maarten Vanden Eynde, fashion designer...
Annemieke Hendriks
Als Tomatencurator werkt journalist Annemieke Hendriks bij Mediamatic aan een kleine serie over het kunstwerk tomaat. Jarenlang volgde ze de tomaat door Europa. Van zaad tot supermarkt onderzocht ze...
Mediamatic Biotoop Bart Ellenbroek
Geodesic dome research
Testing sizes, entrance and connectors.
Here is a first look intro the research and testing process of the mycelium geodesic dome project.
Another Futurist Dinner?
Neo-Futurist Dinners is a new programme line at Mediamatic, in which the world of food, art and science are brought together. During these gastronomical experiences, you will be engulfed in a multi
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Conny Groenewegen, Stichting Mediamatic
Kids: Knippen en knopen met Conny
1jun 201727aug 2017Kom meehelpen in ons textielparadijs! Bij Mediamatic maken we een hele grote deken van zachte, gekleurde stoffen. En hiermee gaan we een heel gebouw inpakken! Jij en andere grote en kleine...
Mediamatic Biotoop What Design Can Do, Stichting Mediamatic
What Design Can Do
23mei 201724mei 2017On May 23-24 What Design Can comes together at Mediamatic in a catering accommodation, to discuss in what way design can act as a catalyst of change.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Conny Groenewegen, Stichting Mediamatic
Cut the Crap met Conny
1jun 201731aug 2017Kom gezellig naar Mediamatic om te helpen met een bijzonder en enorm mode-kunstwerk van verknipte fleecetruien! Samen met designer Conny Groenewegen en het FAMA (Fashion Machine) team maken we een...
Exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Conny Groenewegen
Fashion Machine
1jun 20174okt 2017De mode-industrie: een prachtige maar vervuilende zaak. De snelle voortgang van klerenproductie zorgt voor immens grote schadelijke hoeveelheden materi ë le en immateri ë le consumptie, dat...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Workshop: Caravel with Ivan Henriques
15dec 2016Caravels are autonomous waterrobots that feed on the micro-organisms living in local waters. By harvesting electricity from anaerobic bacteria and organic components (via Microbial Fuel Cell...
Eat Future no. 5 Review
What is a superfood?
“He who controls the spice controls the universe” - We used David Lynch's Dune as a starting point for a discussion about superfoods, drugs and supplements
Simone Vos
EM specialist at Agriton
Simone is part of the 'Agriton EM Natuurlijk Actief'. She knows all about sustainable farming using foodwaste.
Sasker Scheerder
Founder of Manenwolf's Foodlab
Sasker is the founder of Manenwolf's Foodlab and smokehouse. He knows all about food preparation processes.
Arjanne Bode
Arjanne Bode (1994, the Netherlands) is an investigative artist with an eye for environment and society.
Manon Portos Minetti
Intern, (art-) historian and making things happen
Intern concering exhibitions, outward and internal communication and concept development.
Het Google-Examen o.l.v. Joris Luyendijk
9jun 2016Google weet ongelooflijk veel van haar gebruikers. Maar hoeveel weten wij van Google?
Mediamatic Biotoop
Rederij Lampedusa
16apr 201629apr 2016Lampedusa Cruises is an art project in the form of a service company. The company offers crossings, VIP arangements and canal cruises, the same services as other shipping companies in Amsterdam offer.
I originally come from Poland but have lived in The Netherlands for the past fours years. Firstly, I lived in Amsterdam and then moved to Rotterdam to study Communication and Media at Erasmus...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Masterclass: Prototyping Bodies
2apr 2016How will environmental pressures impact our malleable body? And what can we do to guide human evolution? Join in the masterclass with bio-artist Agi Haines (winner 2015 BAD award) and prototype the...