Staging Cities
Staging cities experiments with new ways of staging public issues.
Staging cities assembles conversations between experts and non experts by adressing the most exciting urban issues by a collective building process of characters and scenarios called “chatheater.”
Paul Derksen
Mauricio Corbalán
Cybertheologist and transhumant analyst. Researching on public imagination processes between urban environments and the internet.
I studied architecture and urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires during the mid eighties. I lectured there for another ten years, preaching the critical bible of the Frankfurt School and Michel...
Het landschap als werkplaats
21jul 200831aug 2008Esther Polak en Ivar van Bekkum volgen, met GPS, het spoor van een akkerbouwer die zijn land voorbewerkt voor de aardappelteelt.
Galerie Paul Andriesse
No Coca Cola
10jul 200822aug 2008Jarenlang struinde Dwight Marcia straten af op zoek naar afgedankte spullen. Oude TV's hadden zijn voorkeur. Hij transformeerde ze tot speelse objecten, spontaan omwonden of versierd met de kleurige...
Jasper Kaizer
In Andy Holdens expositie wordt de vraag gesteld hoe dode dingen het leven van een ervaring kunnen weergeven. Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
The World is Round and Mr Wrigley Makes Chewing…
15jun 200824aug 2008Holdens expositie in Kunstfort Vijfhuizen ontleent zijn titel aan een essay van Aldous Huxley. In “Art and the Obvious”, over de kunst en cultuur in de interbellum periode, pleit de Engelse auteur...
Interested in new developments, inspiration and innovation. Seeking resonance in changing patterns and understanding its impact.
Claudia Duarte
Web project designer, master degree on Image Techology, thesis on Marcel Duchamp, the Large Glass and the interface between the work of art and the user
Johan Oomen
Images forever. Crowdsourcing in GLAM's
Samen met Lora Aroyo voerde Johan Oomen een academisch onderzoek uit naar de implicaties van Crowdsourcing in GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). Het artikel werd zo goed ontvangen...
Gaby Wijers
hoofd collectie
Gespecialiseerd in conservering en ontsluiting van mediakunst. Geboren in Nijmegen en via Deventer naar Amsterdam. Via bibliotheekwetenschap en registratie naar dans en theater en later via...
Pim Peterse
Kallen is mallen en doen is een ding
Creative director @zark, programmer new media & video for Robodock Festival, video artist, sound artist, creative writer, moderator of net-art.org.
Mediamatic Post CS
Professional Representation
6mrt 2008During this evening two very different presentations on the topic of professional self representation were given as part of the Mediamatic Beauty Parlour events. First up were Elsa, Rustan and Stefan...
Melissa Laing
Artist theorist, explorer
Katja van Driel
Olga Overbeek
fotografie, tentoonstellingen, nieuwe media
Esther Weltevrede
Winnaar van de EL HEMA Designprijs!
Satellite Dish Sticker
Schoteltje, schoteltje aan de wand...
Sticker voor op je schotelantenne; Origineel schotel-motiefje, nu om BBCarabic, Al Jazeera of Show TV mee te ontvangen...
Twitterazi Tracker and the PICNIC Aggregator
"What are you doing?" is the general question Twitter poses us. It neglects to ask us "Where are you doing it?" in the age of the trackable and the increasing focus on the hyperlocal web.
The Lowlands 2007 festival was well covered by the Dutch Twitter community with 2500-3000 tweets. The Lowlands Twitter meetup was attented by 15 people. Data was collected from different sources...
Anne Helmond
Lara Assouad Khoury
Arab type and graphic designer
Lara Assouad Khoury was born in Montreal, Canada and graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Bachelor in Graphic Design degree (BGD) in 1998. She worked as a designer at LeoBurnett...
The Typographic Matchmaking Project: Developing…
Willem Velthoven interviewing the Typographic Matchmaking Type Designers: Nadine Chahine, Gerard Unger, Tarek Atrissi, Peter Bilak, Pascal Zoghbi, Lucas de Groot, and Lara Assouad Khoury.
Daniel Reichenbach
Pascal Zoghbi
Type Designer and Typographer
Pascal Zoghbi Biography: When setting up to establish 29Letters type foundry in 2013, Lebanese designer and educator Pascal Zoghbi aspired to explore the diversity and potential of the Arabic script.
graphic design – type design – intercultural design