Mediamatic Post CS
Salon Vert
1jan 200731dec 2007Frisse presentaties van derdejaars Rietveldstudenten Interactie Ontwerp, verantwoorde kleding van Annouk Post, Edo Paulus over zijn tweede leven en een performance van The Philosopher and Invisible...
bas van der touw
marc garrett
Net artist, media artist, curator, writer, street artist, activist, educationalist and musician. Emerging in the late 80's from the streets exploring creativity via agit-art tactics. Using unofficial
Exhibition: Filmtheater 't Hoogt
9apr 2007Eindelijk, de combinatie van kunst en seks is geboren.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. He eventually became a man who lived his life for politics and patriotism. Right now, however, he is associated with corrupt
Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics
21jun 200723jun 2007At the Fifth European Conference on Computing and Philosophy (ECAP), the track Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics will be held on the campus of the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Chris Read
would like you over for tea
yvonne yuen
Exhibition: Marres
16dec 200625feb 2007De als zwart te definiëren schoonheid en identiteit in de vorm van modeontwerpen die niet alleen uitspraak doen over de mode en de kleding zelf.
Ricard Gras
i was born in Spain, but I'm ok, really
After graduating in Spain in 1996 Ricard relocated to the UK to continue his studies, did a Masters in DTV Production & Interactive media and became Development Director of Arts and Technology...
Vrijde Academie Werkplaats voor Beeldende Kunsten
Studium Generale
3nov 200624nov 2006In het Studium Generale, programma Kunst en Genetica, worden kunstenaars en wetenschappers aan het woord (en het beeld) gelaten over de esthetische, morele en politieke implicaties van de niet meer...
Emer Beamer
Emer works at Butterfly Works which she co-founded, a do-tank where we combine design with finding sustainable answers to international social questions.
Exhibition: Galerie Fons Welters
Annegret Kellner - Dermatica
21okt 200618nov 2006Dermatica is suggestive of skin diseases, but also evokes the science that researches and heals them. The exhibition space recalls a hospital or a doctor's consulting room.
Lecture: Felix Meritis
Rethinking the Global Meat Industry
5okt 2006Since the avian flu outbreak began in Southeast Asia in late 2003, public health officials, farmers, veterinarians, government officials and the media have referred to the disease as a natural...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Pim Fortuyn 1 jan 1991
Well gestured
Prof W.S.P.Fortuyn was responsible for the free public transport network for students in Holland. Prof. Fortuyn was a converted Marxist who called himself an adviser in political and strategic...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Brian Reynolds 1 jan 1991
Brian Reynolds has been asked by Gruppo Feruzzi to turn his farm into the most technologically sophisticated in England.
17nov 200618nov 2006On the variations that characterize the various creative industries that are scattered around the globe, and how these correlate with the locations of the institutes themselves.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Bigger 4: Chair Missing
23jun 20062jul 2006What happens when Serbian artist Bogomir Doringer exploits stereotypical Eastern European identity and becomes a thief? Chair Missing gave a clear and interesting answer to this question. The opening...
Expression under Repression
7jun 2006How can one express themselves in a repressive culture? What are creative ways of avoiding governmental control? How does modern technology aid expression under repression? What exactly is going...
Mediamatic Post CS
Vergeef me
1jan 200531dec 2005'Vergeef me' van Cyrus Frisch was de filmversie van zijn controversiele toneelstuk 'Jezus/liefhebber', met in de hoofdrollen enkele stevig aan de ALCOHOL en HARDDRUGS verslaafde amateurspelers.
Filmtheater 't Hoogt
Van Raf tot Hofstad
11sep 2005Symbolische film en lezing (Jeroen Boomgaard, Lectoraat Kunst en Publieke Ruimte, Rietveld/UvA) programma op de onvergetelijke 9/11 over terreur, kunst en communicatie.
Exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Self-portrait with builders
9sep 20059okt 2005In his six larger than life photographs Shunji Hori created a binary super reality that is fantasy, idealism and reality at the same time.
Presentation: Mediamatic Post CS
A Secret Service Opening
15jul 200515jul 2005Op deze avond was de opening van A Secret Service exhibition bij Mediamatic. Een paar drankjes, muziek en bovenal VEILIGHEID waren de top prioriteit van deze avond.