Exhibition: Stedelijk Museum
Art Games and Reality
9mrt 200618jun 2006Starring Brody Condon, Gamekings, Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukacs, Joes Koppers
Digital Playground
Pecha Kucha Rotterdam
8mrt 20068mrt 2006Pecha Kucha Night will be held from 20.20 until 01.00. Admission will be 3,- euro The Tokyo based architecture firm Klein Dytham Architects (KDa) originally started Pecha Kucha Night in their...
Mediamatic Post CS
practicum 06a concert 3
17feb 2006Featuring James Beckett, Thomas Dypdahl, Morten J. Olsen, Koen Nutters en de Friendly Boys
De Balie
Starting from Scratch
18feb 200619feb 2006The fourth edition of the found footage and super8 film festival will finally take place, a gathering of eclectic celluloid lovers and old school amateurs with a 3 minute shooting maximum.
De Balie
27jan 200629jan 2006A repository of literature including a program of illegal books, poetry, freedom of information and more. Guests include Spunk, Brainpower, Hans Hogenkamp, Samuel Beckett (in soul) and Karin Giphart.
Filmtheater 't Hoogt
Movies with roots in hell
31jan 2006Cultspecialist Jack Stevenson recaptures the portrayal of drugs in American film from 1916 to 1972 by means of a chronological collection of fragments from feature and educational films. With the...
Chicks on Speed Expose
28jan 200625feb 2006_fashion is for fashionpeople _we are not a rock and roll band but it sure feels like it _we don't play guitars _opening: Jan 28th, 16:00
Sonic Acts XI
23feb 200626feb 2006Van donderdag 23 tot en met zondag 26 februari 2006 vindt in Paradiso en De Balie de elfde editie van het Sonic Acts festival plaats. Het festival omvat een driedaagse internationale conferentie
De Nieuwe Anita
They don't believe in overdressed
31dec 20051jan 200622.00 Spinal tap, BROOK WILLIAMS and dj Arthur, Bubbly for all at midnight!! 01.00 Pfaff 01.30 BLUES BROTHER CASTRO 2.15 dj's the 2 smoking barrels 03.00 AMOKS 03.30 dj's the 2 smoking barrels 05.00...
Moraliteit spel met container gekkies
Vergeef me van Cyrus Frisch
Ze staan ‘s ochtends vroeg bij de achteringang van de Dirk van de Broek, naast de glasbak. Meestal hebben ze wat blikjes goedkoop bier in de hand. Ze zijn luidruchtig, hebben vaak ruzie.
Soirée Belge
22dec 2005Another visit from our netherneighbours, bringing us music instead of beer this time, but we like it all varied in the end. Nid and Sancy (previously known as Galacticamemdum) play elektro punk, Tom...
Mediamatic Post CS
Vergeef me
1jan 200531dec 2005'Vergeef me' van Cyrus Frisch was de filmversie van zijn controversiele toneelstuk 'Jezus/liefhebber', met in de hoofdrollen enkele stevig aan de ALCOHOL en HARDDRUGS verslaafde amateurspelers.
Museum of the Moving Image
Machinima Film Festival
12nov 2005Including panels on the impact of Machinima, Machinima's identity crisis and of course plenty of Machinima films as well as some Machinima live performances. festival.machinima.org .
De Badcuyp
12sep 200512sep 2005On do-it-yourself netporn, the netporn society, netporn behavior code, netporn and searchengines and many other netporn aspects.
Hot Step Junk
11sep 200530sep 2005Hot Step Junk is the result of a playful research on what footsteps, if you wish dancing steps can generate in sound and image. Matsumura is a Japanese artist that made an unconventional career move...
capturing the moving mind
9sep 200521sep 2005Capturing the Moving Mind is a conference on board the Trans-Siberian train, discussing the new forms of movement and control, war and economy in the current situation.
Amsterdam, Nederland
9sep 200510sep 2005During the 9th and 10th of September, you can buy all access tickets to Club 11, Hotel Arena, Cockring, Dansen bij Jansen, Escape, Exit, Jimmy Woo, Korsakoff, The Mansion, Marcanti-Kingdom, Melkweg
Tribeca Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
15sep 200518sep 2005With director presentations, panels, lots of movies and (drumroll, please) SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO as the closing act, their dj act finally being somewhere else than the strip joint in Puddleton, England.
Real Estate
23aug 200528aug 2005As part of London in Six Easy Steps at the ICA, B+B have developed Real Estate, a week of projects, events and activities that focuses on the use and ownership of land in London. In a city preparing...
Lowmechanik/ Rawpikzl DVD release
30sep 2005Featuring Maersk, Deng Zero, DJ Tunan, Seegee, Tubish, Toktek, Apzolut, Jorg, VD inc., the Smokecella and Modules.
Mediamatic Post CS
20aug 2005Mediamatic's Garagebox was our lovely hangout spot, where we enjoyed some, or quite a lot of drinks, great music and just good old fashioned fun. On this night everyone enjoyed heart cookies and one
Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid
Een groot deel van het Nederlands audiovisueel erfgoed ligt opgeslagen in de kelders van het Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid. In zorgvuldig geklimatiseerde ruimtes ligt meer dan 700.000 uur...
Vanessa B slikt pilletjes
Geen zware tranquillizers, maar pilletjes met een minimale dosis kalmerende inhoud, eigenlijk placebo’s, die haar rustig maken, in toom houden.
Presentation: Perdu
De vrouw voor wie Cesare Pavese zelfmoord pleegde
27apr 2005Presentatie van Arjen Mulders nieuwe boek