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Exhibition: foam
Copy: Larry Clark
13jun 201412sep 2014Foam presents two renowned and controversial projects by photographer and filmmaker Larry Clark. Tulsa (1971) and Teenage Lust (1983) are Clark's earliest bodies of work and reveal a youth culture
Exhibition: foam
Larry Clark
13jun 201412sep 2014Foam presents two renowned and controversial projects by photographer and filmmaker Larry Clark. Tulsa (1971) and Teenage Lust (1983) are Clark's earliest bodies of work and reveal a youth culture
26jun 20147sep 201426.06 - 07.09.14 Cops, Killers, Crooks, Crashes and Bettie Page. Great books too!
Worskhops: grow your own psychedelic and culinary…
Friday 24 and Wednesday 29 January
In these two workshops you can learn how to grow you own magic or oyster mushrooms. On the 24th of January, we will discover how to cultivate the psycedelic psilocybe cubensis mushroom. On the 29th
Workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Wees ondeugend, kweek paddo's
24jan 2014De vruchtlichamen van paddo's zijn sinds 2007 illegaal in Nederland, de sporen echter niet. Tijdens deze workshop zullen we een substraat maken waarop de Psilocybine cubensis kan groeien. Dit...
Workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Kweek je eigen Paddo's in onze Paddenstoelen…
18dec 2013Ga op in de natuur, zet je eigen micro bio-industrie op en kweek Paddo's in onze zelf gebouwde mobile Cleanlab. Tijdens deze workshop, zullen we de Psilocybine cubensis gaan telen. Deze paddenstoel...
Workshop: Grow magic mushrooms in our Bio…
Wednesday 18 and Friday 20 December
In this magical and experimental workshop, we will grow our own liberty caps. This mushroom contains the hallucinating substance psilocybin. During this workshop, we will make a substrate on which we...
Workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Kweek je eigen Paddo's in onze Paddenstoelen…
20dec 2013Ga op in de natuur, zet je eigen micro bio-industrie op en kweek paddo's in onze zelf gebouwde mobile cleanlab. Tijdens deze workshop, zullen we het Puntig Kaalkopje gaan telen. Deze paddenstoel...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
All Dressed up and Nowhere to go
13okt 201324nov 2013Thema's: oorlog en geweld
Workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Grow your own magic mushrooms
21apr 2013Mycelium is a biodegradable alternative for plastic. That's why we are researching the use of this new material in design and architecture. To get a feel for the material we organized an exhibition...
Alles, Alice & Gaan.de.weg
2feb 2013Waarin Alice ontsnapt aan haar Wonderland en naar de whiskyfles grijpt.
book: Haruki Murakami
Norwegian Wood
Nostalgic story of loss and sexuality.
The story's protagonist and narrator is Toru Watanabe, who looks back on his days as a college student living in Tokyo. Through Toru's reminiscences we see him develop relationships with two very...
Thunderdome - The Final Exam
15dec 2012En je komt gratis als je een Thunderdome-tattoo laat zetten
26okt 201230okt 2012Bijna zeventig jaar geleden werd voor het eerst lsd gemaakt. Recent werden twee films uitgebracht die de onstuimige opkomst en genadeloze marginalisering van lsd etaleren: ‘Magic Trip’ & 'The...
Stichting Perdu
Poëzie en bezwering
12okt 2012We nemen u mee op een caleidoscopische reis langs religieus taalgebruik, transopwekkende poëzie, voodou-rituelen en bezwerende gedichten.
book: Burgess Anthony 1 jan 1962
A Clockwork Orange
Roman door Anthony Burgess
A Clockwork Orange, in het Nederlands vertaald als Boze Jongens, is een anti-utopische (ook wel: dystopische) roman uit 1962 van de Britse schrijver Anthony Burgess. Het vormt de basis voor de...
book: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1 jan 1902
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of four crime novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Originally serialised in The Strand Magazine from August 1901 to...
A space odyssey
23jun 2012Magische truffels, meditatieve thees en verrassende p...'s
book: James Wong
Grow Your Own Drugs
Whether you're struggling with insomnia, the kids have eczema, or your partner is feeling under the weather, this book could have the answer.
James Wong
A botanist, gardener, broadcaster & natural remedies obsessive, who's passionate about all things botanical.
Succesfull or useless
Gimmick! is a book by famous dutch autor Joost Zwagerman which he wrote in 1989. This book represents the world of a small group of succesfull artists living in Amsterdam in the glamorous 80s.
Daniel Boulud
A great chef.... he cooks, and he does it very, very well.