Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt The kitchen and the view in one picture Thorwald's 30 tastes The post natal Edition at mediamatic
Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt The Secret Art of Growing Mushrooms Getting instructions for the right humidity of the straw.
Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt The Secret Art of Growing Mushrooms Sterilizing straw for the mushroom-bags.
Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt The Secret Art of Growing Mushrooms Adding Oyster mushroom spawn to the sterilized straw.
Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt Oyster mushrooms grown in aquaponics farm at… For our first Mediamatic Eetclub this lovely product will be the main ingredient.
Afbeelding: Arthur de Smidt Andrea Sossi cooking homegrown oyster mushrooms During the Mediamatic Eetclub