The Night of the Unexpected
4Eyl 2003Festival voor een nacht.
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 11#1 Jorinde Seijdel 1 Oca 2003
Arnoud Holleman
'I am registered, therefore I am', an existential motto of our time might read like this.
City Scape
14Ağs 200317Ağs 2003Openlucht bioscoop met als thema de subcultuur van de jonge stadsbewoner.
David Still Surprise party
9Mar 2003A good neighbour is worth more than a distant friend
Aaron, the first robot in history that creates original paintings, is the result of years of research by Harold Cohen.
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
The Pleasure of Language
24Ağs 200228Eyl 2002Tentoonstelling waar kunstenaars zich op verschillende manieren bezighouden met taal door middel van nieuwe technologie.
Nieuwe Vide
17Ağs 2002Slotfeest van de LunchClub met Captian Video, Eddy de Clerq en nog veel meer.
Latent Space
13Tem 200220Eki 2002Bijzondere voorbeelden van 'gespannen' ruimtes. Werk van onder meer Ricci Albenda, Aziz + Cucher, Diller + Scofidio, Jürgen Mayer H. en Alex Schweder.
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
I (X-pose)
13Tem 20021Eyl 2002Tentoonstelling van werk van Karin Arink.
V.O.L.V.O. Airbag
Mediamatic Foundation (pub), Vol8#2/3 The Home Issue, issn 09 207 8604, Amsterdam 1995, Mac cd-rom, € 21.-
V.O.L.V.O. Airbag is the third Mediamatic CD-ROM. Airbag features Pinky, Richard and Lennart, the three faces of V.O.L.V.O. For a prolonged version of their one-song concept, DJ's who work regularly...
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
5Tem 2002A conference about the use of databases and archives.
Theater Zeebelt
Het Nieuwe Merk!
23Mayıs 2002Minisymposium over merkenstrategie in de mobiele telecom-sector.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Geert Lovink 1 Oca 1994
Friedrich Kittler, Draculas Vermächtnis, Reclam Verlag Leipzig, 1993
The remarkable science called media history, should have a preference for technologies that read or write. This is the program of Germany's most important media theorist Friedrich Kittler, who...
book: Friedrich Kittler 1 Oca 1993
Draculas Vermächtnis
Technische Schriften
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Josophia Grieve 1 Oca 1994
Welcome to Memorymoo
connect giordano 30bruno30 * Connected *
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Wolfgang Ernst 1 Oca 1994
Arsenals of Memory
The archi(ve)texture of the Museum
museum - archives - books/shelves/library - letter box - container - packaging, frame - (electronic) stores - (goods) storeroom - depot/deposit - (final) deposit - (the museum as) concentration camp...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Mathias Fuchs 1 Oca 1994
Are you sure you want to do this?
Amnesia angst, the fear of memory loss, the programmer's neurosis turned into software, has become firmly installed in most computer programs. The user is allowed to store unhesitatingly, to...
27Nis 2002Jop Horst presenteert de door hem ontwikkelde Delta-taal. Dit is een taal die uitwaaiert tot een oneindig aantal klanken en tekens, zodat we niet langer kunnen communiceren.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Paul Groot 1 Oca 1992
Famous Artists School, Famous Writer Tool
or: the hankering after a configurated system for the Apple and other rhetorical reflections
In Mediamatic 6#1, Paul Groot reported on his first experiences with a word processor and his struggle with the McHugh. As a sequel to these first impressions, he will review here MicroSoft's Word5...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 David D'Heilly 1 Oca 1993
Barcode Battler
Be the first on your block to buy a Barcode Battler, because Barcode Battler puts you on the Map!
book: Melanie Mitchell 1 Oca 1996
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Jacques Servin 1 Oca 1998
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
In 1969 a Cambridge mathematician, John Conway, amused himself by constructing a computer game he called Life. The game's world was divided into cells which each had a specific, determined effect on...
Arjen Mulder 1 Oca 1999
Trancemedia: from Simulation to Emulation
Buying an Opel Kadet and converting it into a Saab, a Mini Cooper, an Alfa Romeo Guiletta Sprint Veloce, a daf truck, a city bus, a Smart and a Trabant, but also into a child's scooter, a tricycle, a...