lecture: Mediamatic Post CS
Second Life - The Invasion of the Bacteria
22Şub 2007Matt Biddulph was contracted by the renown scientific journal Nature.com to build gigantic bacteria in Second Life. He held a lecture on his results on this evening at Mediamatic.
Guilherme Lopes
Changer le monde pour un monde meilleur
Worked as a programmer for Mediamatic Lab.
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
PureData Workshop
3Şub 20074Şub 2007Pure Data (or PD) is a graphical programming language for the creation of interactive computer music and multimedia works. This workshop is an opportunity for anyone to learn how to process and...
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Arduino Unplugged Workshop
12Mar 200714Mar 2007Following a very exciting Arduino workshop last November, Mediamatic organizes a new Arduino workshop, this time focused on wireless Arduinos: Arduinos that connects to other hardware through a...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#2/3 Adilkno 1 Oca 1991
ADILKNO is the Dutch society for the advancement of illegal knowledge.
Friedrich Kirschner
drinks your milkshake
Friedrich Kirschner (D) is an animator and software developer working with realtime 3D environments and funny interfaces.
Horse Move
Maaike van der Linden
13Mayıs 200613Mayıs 2006The Horse Move is ready for the 3rd move in the Horse Move Project.
Hotel Pennsylvania
Hope no 6
21Haz 200623Haz 2006A three day hackerfest in downtown Manhattan. For computer hackers, phone phreaks, net activists, government spooks and other curiosa, eh, curious people.
How I Learned to LOVE RFID
20Mayıs 2006The series of lectures brings together approaches and projects that artistically and critically deal with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology - a technology that is significantly being...
Mediamatic Post CS
Cultural Engineers
8Mayıs 2006A salon with some new games, as thought up by graphic design students from the Rietveld Academy, a presentation by Régine Débatty of we-make-money-not-art a display of various products as thought up...
NH Barbizon Palace
The Next Web
7Tem 2006Expected speakers include Nicolas Negroponte (co-founder of the MIT media laboratory), Kevin Mitnick (hacker, since released from prison), Marc Andreessen (founder of Netscape) and Steven Pemberton...
Developing Narrative Games/ On-line Worlds
31Mar 20066Nis 2006In this intensive five-day workshop, the participants will work both alone and in teams to develop a design treatment for a narrative game/an online world. They will begin by studying the fundamental...
30Mar 20061Nis 2006What is interesting, what will not break immediately, and what actually has an added value beyond an exclamation for the coolness of the technology? A conference about what to pick, when, for...
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 11#2 Arie Altena
In 1999 Morse was abolished as an official communication language. The last message that the French marine sent was: Calling all. This is our last call before eternal silence. And since then, Morse...
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Campus du Solbosch
Fosdem 2006
25Şub 200626Şub 2006A conference on the latest in open source development, focusing on the themes desktop (openoffice.org), development (source management tools such as darcs and valgrind), security (on the ClamAV anti
Artefact Festival
13Şub 200618Şub 2006With Mateusz Herczka's Life Support Systems: Vanda , software presentations by Casey Reas and Bas van Koolwijk, Lifeform: Telekinetics by Michelle Teran and Jeff Mann, a ~scape label night, Maryanne...
Dorkbot Berlin
6Şub 2006A day of geek art running simultaneously with the transmediale week of geek art. This time, dorkbot's series of geek art project presentations will be hosted by Jussi Angesleva who is a concept...
Marco Wessel
Jah blaat
Marco is the Mediamatic system administrator and amateur photographer. He has a flair for station food and does not drink coffee.
SPACE Triangle
10Şub 20063Mar 2006February 10, 17, 24 and March 3; 10.30 – 4.30pm Do you know how an Oyster card works? Or security stickers in shops? Even if you don’t know what a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag is, you’ve...
Transmediale 06
3Şub 20067Şub 2006After years of living in two dimensional space, the media artists are back out on the track, interfacing their ways into tactile overload. Physical computing is hot! without a doubt, as they say.
Club Transmediale
3Şub 200611Şub 2006A festival for adventurous music and related visual arts . Apparently the newly thought up genres of the year are Dada-Rave, Drone Metal, Cut-up-Agitation and electronic Weird Folk. As part of the...
28Ara 200530Ara 2005The 22nd Chaos Communication Congress (22C3) is a four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures and workshops on a multitude of topics including (but not limited...
Time progressing to the right
Mateusz Herczka's reformulation of the real
A short interview with visual artist and choreographer Mateusz Herczka about his work process and his incredible film 44/13, recently shown in Mediamatic.
Julian Oliver
Julian Oliver is a New Zealand born artist, free software developer, teacher and occasional writer based in Madrid, Spain.