Kurye International Videofestival Istanbul
2Haz 200912Haz 2009Raymond Mirrer
Dit schilderij behandelt de vraag hoe je een David Hockney Swimming Pool painting uit de jaren zestig zou kunnen combineren met het uitzicht dat Hitler had in het tea house in het Adelaarsnest in...
Roy Ascott
Artist and theorist
Roy Ascott is an artist and theorist who has shown at the Venice Biennale, Electra Paris, Ars Electronica Linz, V2 Holland, Milan Triennale, Biennale do Mercosul, Brazil, European Media Festival, and...
Mediamatic Lab
Mediamatic is a cultural organization in Amsterdam that works on the cultural use of new technologies. They do exhibitions, workshops, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. The sister organization...
Toneelschuur Haarlem
Hannah en Martin
20Mayıs 200930Mayıs 2009In 2006 speelden Lineke Rijxman en Willem de Wolf bij mugmetdegoudentand twee kinderen van vier en zes jaar in ‘Quality Time’ van Joan Nederlof. “Boordevol en knap gespeeld.” [NRC Handelsblad]...
Lloyd Hotel
Temporary Museum Amsterdam
13Mayıs 200917Mayıs 2009Temporary Museum Amsterdam is the yearly side programme during Art Amsterdam. It connects the institutions of modern art. Masterstudents of the Sandberg Institute used politic quotes for this year's...
Weak Signals, Wild Cards
26Haz 200926Tem 2009Over the water from Amsterdam Centraal sits Noord, the largest borough in Amsterdam. Home to a dissolved shipping industry, its ancestral memory a landscape of polders, farmlands, gallows and garden...
Jeremiah Day / SMBA in het kader van MyNameIsSpinoza
In samenwerking met het Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam realiseert kunstenaar Jeremiah Day (VS, 1974) zijn concept voor ‘Krakersmonument’, een kustwerk in de openbare ruimte.
Lieve Dehasque
claudia costa pederson
Currently working on disserting about videogames and games by artists with a focus on dada, surrealism, situationism, and tactical media.
Simon Butler
HI. I'm originally from Vancouver, Canada, but have settled in Leiden a number of months ago where I now run a small graphic design business, thinksavvy designs. As a designer, I believe living in...
Kino Illegal
29Nis 2009The series ´Kino Illegal` contains AV-productions in which there's an inherent 'problem' of some form or another. This could be for any number of legal, economic, technical, moral, aesthetic or...
Worm, Worm
SCREAMING CITY: West Berlin 1980s
22Nis 200922Nis 2009This double feature screening casts light on a unique historical period where images lived a special life amidst the deadlock of socialist and capitalist ideologies, materialising spectacularly in...
Mute Magazine
Culture and Politics after the Net
Quarterly, critical and cheap, Mute is a concrete jumble of all that’s still grunting in the inter-finessing hyper-barrios of culture, politics and technology 2.0. As capitalism yawns towards...
Coming full circle: the evolution of gangsta rap
Gangsta rap is a term coined by the mainstream media to describe a certain genre of hip-hop that reflects the violent lifestyles of some inner-city youths. Gangsta is a corruption of the word...
niko herzeg
advertising, marketing guy. does a bit of strategy, bit of business. writes a bit about music, brands, comms, sport, politics.
Mensch und Fisch
Late one night I was walking on Boulevard Saint Germain in Paris. I passed a restaurant. It was closed and dark inside. In the windowsill was a fishbowl, with one lonely fish swimming in it. I talked...
Public discussion in Amsterdam, Kocaeli, online.
WatSpinoza? ignites public discussion by asking questions based on Spinoza's writings. We formulated the questions together with writer/philosopher Dirk van Weelden, and post them in the public arena.
Filmhuis Den Haag / Zaal 5
Focus on India
3Nis 20093Mayıs 2009Tijdens het Movies that Matter Festival is in ZAAL5 een video-installatie te zien met een selectie van Trilogy (1997-2003) en The Torn First Pages (2004-2008) van kunstenaar/filmmaker Amar Kanwar uit...
Felix Meritis
De Globaliseringslezing
7Nis 2009De vrouwen van Afrika kunnen het tij keren Pray the devil back to hell
8Nis 2009Bill Douglas's formidable reputation as a film director rests largely on three films he made in the 1970s, the total running length of which is only just over three hours.