Garmt Dijksterhuis
Psychological Scientist with a background in food-related perception and choice.
Machine Wilderness
2Kas 2015Explore emerging hybrid ecologies where nature, technology and art intertwine.
Catherine Millais
Urine: Arousal Stimulating Chemical?
Pheromones: selective chemical messengers that reveal if human's are sexually attracted to one another. Relative to smell, these pheromones can be secreted through the skin, sweat glands, saliva, and...
When pee caused scandal and inspired a game
Have you ever heard of “Pipi-Prügel-Prinz”? Or now that you have read the name are you wondering what that is and are you willing to find out? Spoiler: it's an online game, but it's inspired by a...
Male urination in trains
Findings from “Hygienic Train Toilet”
Why are train toilets used only in case of emergency? Why are they perceived as unpleasant, unhygienic places? What does this have to do with male urination? And how can design be used to improve the...
Pee lust
Speaking of water sports – but not the summery ones
On this blog we want to go beyond social taboos and question fixed categories, besides, of course, discussing any possible aspects regarding pee. Thus, little by little, we got there too: sexual...
Masterclass for performers
4Haz 20157Ağs 2015Apply now for an extraordinary masterclass by Olivier de Sagazan at Festival WhyNot!
When Nature Calls. Answer.
The Health Risks of Holding in Your Pee
Every one has been in that frustrating situation - a traffic jam, no toilet, public toilets (if you are a lady maybe an FUD could help you out in these tricky situations), crowded events etc. - where...
workshop: Mediamatic Foundation
Pissing in the Park
26Haz 2015Do you want to be involved in designing the identity of a public space? Mediamatic welcomes Christian Pagh, one of the top European designers in the fields of Culture Design and Urban Planning, to...
Bashful Bladder
When we enter a restroom that is occupied by others, many of us don't fret, we simply go about our business. Unfortunately, for some, this is not an option. In fact, even a restroom with just one...
Emma T. Gaskell
Born and raised in central New York. I have a background of many interests including artistic design, equestrian sport, health and nutrition. After I received my Bachelor's degree in Health and...
PeeBack Time
St. Pauli residents fight back against public pissing
That moment when there is a long line to the toilets and you need to pee, not in a few minutes but right, this, second. Okay, for the social event goers, the occasional slip outside between the cars...
Public Rest (Not Hover) Rooms
Which type of rest room goer are you?
To sit? Or to hover? These seem to be the questions that are unclear to us females. I think we can all agree that public restrooms are not the most attractive of places to attend throughout our daily...
joe sin
Public Convenience
Hygienic, Portable Urinals for Men AND Women
The team of UiWe have taken to the streets in hopes of improving the experience of outdoor bathrooms for event go-er's and all around urban convenience.
Portable urinals for women.
Shout out to all the ladies out there! Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you've really had "to go" and there as not been a convenient bathroom within reach? Maybe you were on a road...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, KunstFort Asperen, Fort Nieuwersluis
Gimme Shelter
30Mayıs 201520Eyl 2015De militaire ficties van strijd en verdediging in kunst en games.
Daniel van Nes
Pissing and the public
Most animals have excretory systems for elimination of soluble wastes. Humans are no different. While we may regard ourselves as much more evolved, in many ways we still resemble all the other...
Hany Saad
I try not to limit myself by thinking in terms of what I can or can not do. I go where my inspiration, my ideas and my feeling take me, learning to use whatever tools and materials I need to realise...