Perfume Niklaus Mettler 20 Ağs 2018
Filtered Beans
The Scent of Fancy Condos
The qualities of cafés can tell us about the make-up of a community, a neighborhood’s ethnic composition and about the urban development of a city. Niklaus Mettler extracted the flavors of three...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Kool Kabbage
16Ara 20171Mar 2018It turned out to be a good cabbage-year. In fact, this year’s cabbage harvest turned out so good, there is more cabbage than farmer Krispijn can process for a fair price. What to do with a food
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Kool Kabbage
16Ara 2017It turned out to be a good cabbage-year. In fact, this year’s cabbage harvest turned out so well, there is more cabbage than farmer Krispijn can process for a fair price. What to do with a food
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
New Year's drinks and E-Number Bingo
5Oca 2018New year, new chances. If the food industry is allowed to mess with our food but keeps the details a secret, Cateringa & Kompanen brings the powder to the people so we can do it ourselves. Join us...
Annemieke Hendriks
Als Tomatencurator werkt journalist Annemieke Hendriks bij Mediamatic aan een kleine serie over het kunstwerk tomaat. Jarenlang volgde ze de tomaat door Europa. Van zaad tot supermarkt onderzocht ze...
Isabelle Griffioen
Isabelle Griffioen werkt als advertising creative. Voor Mediamatic leidt zij het Consultatiebureau Femmes Fontaines tijdens Museumnacht 2017.
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark European Youth Press
Reporting Corruption and Tax Avoidance:…
9Haz 2017Learn more about corruption reporting and ways to detangle the complexity of this timeless phenomenon on the expert panel discussion taking place on June 9th. The European Youth Press – Network of...
VALENTINE’S DAY Messages and Wallpaper
Valentines Day Messages Images Happy Valentines Day 2017
Leonie Alpheus
Programme & Events
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Bahia Shehab
Al-Rihla (The Journey)
1Ara 201631Ara 2024Mediamatic and Framer Framed invited Lebanese-Egyptian street-artist Bahia Shehab to create a brand new graffiti wall at Mediamatic Biotoop right next to our terrace. In order to celebrate her...
Michalis Skourtaniotis
Event programming & Communications
At Mediamatic i assist with programming and executing events. I have a background in economics and management consulting and an affinity for the creative world as well as the commercial one. I enjoy...
Mediamatic Foundation
Narrating Syria
31Mayıs 2016Join us for a night focusing on the question of narrative in the media’s representation of the Syrian conflict. New Europeans will be hosting the art and design collective Foundland, who will be...
De Balie, Amsterdam
Writing for Change
2Haz 2016Can a writer’s words make a difference in Ukraine and Poland, two of Europe’s fast changing countries?
De Balie, Amsterdam
Nationalism: the virus that went viral
1Haz 2016Betekent de toenemende groei van nationalisme het einde van de Europese Unie?
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Rederij Lampedusa
16Nis 201629Nis 2016Lampedusa Cruises is an art project in the form of a service company. The company offers crossings, VIP arangements and canal cruises, the same services as other shipping companies in Amsterdam offer.
Kirsten Jaarsma
Having lost her own sense of smell, Kirsten Jaarsma is now President of the Anosmia Association of The Netherlands.
Micha Lubbers
Micha Lubbers is bestuursvoorzitter van de Youth Food Movement en beleidsadviseur Natuur en Landbouw bij de Provincie Noord-Holland.
Rutger de Jong
I will be doing the communication and pr for Mediamatic until the begin of August. In my free time i'm still busy with the bachelor of arts and economic at the HKU. Still chasing the dream of being a...
Regina José Galindo
Performance artist from Guatemala
We don't wait for Geert Wilders. We film our own Fitna!
Fitna, the movie by Geert Wilders is not the only fitna movie from the Netherlands. Sorry!
Build Room for the Future of Art!
Prof. Dr. Toby Kiers’ testimony to the Amsterdam City Council
Amsterdam is discussing a reorganization of its Art Funding. The proposal is to divide the "important" infrastructural organizations from all the other ones by delegating the funding to the local...
De Balie
Arnon Grunberg ontmoet Marlene Dumas
12Kas 2015In deze aflevering van 'Arnon Grunberg Ontmoet...' spreekt Grunberg met beeldend kunstenares Marlene Dumas (Kaapstad, 1953). Dumas wordt wereldwijd beschouwd als één van de belangrijkste en...
De Balie
Het Leren van de Toekomst
4Kas 2015De Nationale DenkTank onderzoekt dit jaar ‘Het Leren van de Toekomst’, met als hoofdvraag: Hoe kunnen we het leren in Nederland zo organiseren en faciliteren, dat het talent van de individuele...
De Balie
De Belofte
3Kas 2015Onder leiding van Martijn de Greve zullen Wouter Bos (VU MC), Myrthe Hilkens (publicist) en Sheila Sitalsing aan de hand van mediafragmenten spreken over de opkomt en ondergang van Pieter Hilhorst