book: Nancy Fraser 19 Ara 1996
Justice Interruptus
Critical Reflections on the "Postsocialist" Condition
Refuting the argument to choose between "the politics of recognition" and the "politics of redistribution," Justice Interruptus integrates the best aspects of both.
Nancy Fraser
An American critical theorist, currently the Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Political and Social Science and professor of philosophy at The New School in New York City.
book: Anthony Vidler 29 Mar 1994
The Architectural Uncanny
Essays in the Modern Unhomely
The book presents an engaging and original series of meditations on issues and figures that are at the heart of the most pressing debates surrounding architecture today. Anthony Vidler interprets...
book: Harry Mulisch 1 Oca 1968
Het woord bij de daad
Het woord bij de Daad was published in 1968 and is a report of the revolution in Cuba. Mulisch was accused of sympathizing with Castro's regime.
book: Geoffrey Batchen 1 Oca 1964
William Henry Fox Talbot
Father of Modern Photography
This monograph features many of Talbot's best-known landscapes made around Lacock Abbey and some of the first negatives ever made. It also includes lesser-known and previously unpublished work that...
book: Manuel Alvarado 1 Ağs 1990
The Media Reader
This new anthology of writings on film and television, all written during the 1980s, throws the net widely to include discussions of a variety of media from around the world.
Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Oca 200829Oca 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...
15Haz 200810Ağs 2008Exploring the concepts such as hidden and revealed, visible and invisible, public and private around the on-going contemporary discussions on the veil, the show tries to unfold several differing...
Rotterdamse Schouwburg
Slapen met je buren
21Haz 200822Haz 2008In opdracht van Kosmopolis creëert Aziz Bekkaoui met de Rotterdamse wijken Kralingen en Crooswijk een theater event in de Rotterdamse schouwburg. Aziz wil "Slapen met je buren" gebruiken als een...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Andrea Crews opening performance
18Tem 200818Tem 2008This night was a night of fashion, art, activism and performance with artists, stylists, video directors, DJ's, happenings and video clips by Andrea Crews .... at the opening of Me! Me! Me! Fashion.
Joke Ballintijn
Winners en losers in the Middels East De Balie
Middle East Stock EXchange
15Haz 2008What are the hard trends in the Middle East? What is the future of the economy of the Middle East, of oil, international aid and security in the region? Experts and analysts from the finnancial and...
Andrés Jaque
Architect interested on exploring the role architecture can play in the making of societies. And specially interested on thinking of architecture as a political activity.
Let's all go Dutch
Eat bacon pancakes with sugar syrup, talk politics at parties and always start your conversations with a question. What does it mean to be Dutch, exactly? Is it possible to become, or stop being...
Beursplein Amsterdam
First Ladies
12Haz 20086Tem 2008Drie fotografen zijn, op verzoek, voor het eerst in hun levenafgereisd naar conflict gebieden in Nepal, Zuid-Sudan en de Democratische Republiek Congo. Normaal fotograferen zij hele andere...
Stefan Langeveld
klimaatrealisme, u weet wel waarom
666: welcome recognition
Dutch arts council (Raad voor Cultuur) recommends substantial raise in Mediamatics public funding for 2009—2012
We were very happy and proud to read the advice about our plans for the coming 4 years. The Arts council of the Netherlands praises our current practice and recommends that the ministry of culture...
Bertha Bermudez
Bertha Bermudez works since 1998 with dance company Emio Greco | PC. First as a dancer and since 2004 as assistant and researcher on Dance Transmission. She has been involved on the project...
Joods Historisch Museum
Superhelden en Sjlemielen
21Mayıs 20088Haz 2008Het Joods Historisch Museum organiseert van 2008 een tentoonstelling over stripverhalen en beeldromans van joodse stripkunstenaars. De expositie Superhelden en sjlemielen toont de helden en...
Felix Meritis
23Mayıs 2008Privaat geld en 'markt' worden steeds vaker als alternatief gezien voor de subsidies in het Nederlandse culturele bestel. Het debat Kunst en Kapitaal zal zich dan ook richten op alternatieve...
Dakpaviljoen Engels Groot Handelsgebouw
27Mayıs 2008CONFETTI, de jongerenredactie van de Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur, organiseert een tweeluik over jongeren, identiteit en de multiculturele samenleving. In de eerste bijeenkomst Wie zijn wij?
White Night Before A Manifesto
Three short texts on contemporary design
Can a design manifesto still be written in a post-manifesto age? The pamphlet 'White Night Before A Manifesto' discusses contemporary conditions of design practice, and some of their political...
Petra Verschoor