le peuple qui manque
French Structure of films programming and distribution
French structure of films programming and distribution which's notably working around political art, artist videos, queer and feminist cinema, etc.
1993 David Lyon
The Electronic Eye
The Rise of Surveillance Society
Ivan GarciaRomero
Mexican Film Festival Director, Head Programmer Future Shorts Amsterdam, International program coordinator kosmopolis, kaleidoscopic conceptual guru...
Gary Smith
Dr. Gary Smith has lived in Germany since 1986 and came to Potsdam in 1992 as the founding director of the Einstein Forum. He became the first Executive Director of the American Academy in Berlin in...
book: Gary Smith, Hinderk M. Emrich 1 Oca 1996
Vom Nutzen des Vergessens
The productive significance of our ability to forget has been neglected in the recent, vast scholarship on memory.
book: Ben Hurkmans, J. Simons 1 Oca 2005
All that Dutch
International art policy.
All that Dutch combines visions from art professionals, academics and policymakers about international art policy.
book: Alan Montefiore, David Vines 16 Mar 1999
Integrity in the Public and Private Domains
The book explores the issue of public and private integrity in politics, the media, health, science, fund-raising, the economy and the public sector.
George Panichas
Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, he is Head of the Philosophy Department and Director of the Ethics Project at Lafayette College.
Richard Kearney, Mark Dooley 24 Oca 1999
Questioning Ethics
Contemporary Debates in Philosophy
This major discussion takes a look at some of the most important ethical issues confronting us today by some of the world’s leading thinkers.
Why Lithuanians don't dance
and the Austrians don't like prizes
Awards are never fair. And they are never fun. Except maybe for those who take part and win. And even that not always. However, 5 internationally famous artists on show and 50.000 euros in prize...
book: James, David E 1 Oca 1997
Power misses
essays across (un)popular culture
Mass culture pro or con?
John Roberts
Roberts is a professor and an internationally famous writer, critic and curator.
book: Dan Schiller 1 Mar 1999
Digital Capitalism
Networking the Global Market System
Under the sway of an expansionary market logic, the Internet began a political-economic transition toward what Dan Schiller calls "digital capitalism". Schiller traces these metamorphoses through...
book: Paul Edwards 1 Nis 1996
The Closed World
Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America
Paul Edwards shows how Cold War social and cultural contexts shaped emerging computer technology - and were transformed, in turn, by information machines.
book: George Robertson 1 Eyl 1994
Travellers' Tales
Narratives of Home and Displacement
Travellers' Tales investigates the future of travelling in a world whose boundaries are shifting and dissolving. The contributors bring together popular and critical discourse of travel to explore...
book: Anna Maria Smith 19 Ağs 1998
Laclau and Mouffe
The radical democratic imaginary
Laclau and Mouffe is the first introduction to the work of these two key thinkers. Anna Marie Smith brings out the main themes of their work, showing how they have used the perspectives of Gramsci...
Anna Maria Smith
Professor of Government, Cornell University, is a political theorist, with research interests in the fields of jurisprudence and normative political theory; distributive justice and socioeconomic...
Simon Critchley
An English philosopher currently teaching at The New School. He works in continental philosophy.
Wise, Richard
Teaches media studies, specifically media history and political economy.
book: Leslie Hill 29 Eki 1997
extreme contemporary
Maurice Blanchot is best-known as a literary critic. Hill writes a clear introduction of his most important accomplishments.
book: Christopher Falzon 7 Mayıs 1998
Foucault and Social Dialogue
Beyond fragmentation
A compelling yet extremely clear investigation of Foucault and offers a new way forward.
Chris Hables Gray
Professor Core Faculty, Interdisciplinary Studies, Graduate College, at the Union Institute and University.