Bird Sunday

Art, music and bird theory

14 Nis 2013

What's it like to be a bird? This question was central to our Bird Sunday. An afternoon of performance art, song, food and bird theory. Gareth Wynne Fitzpatrick finished his human-sized bird's nest, Thijs van Vuure leaded 10 singers in bird-song, and professor Marc Naguib told us all about birds' intricate social lives. Furthermore there was a swallow-earring workshop, you could make your own Worm Hotel, and the restaurant was serving quail.


Performance by Gareth working on the nest - Erik Diekstra


Prof. dr. Marc Naguib

In 2011 Marc was appointed professor to the newly established Behavioural Ecology group at the Animal Science Department of Wageningen University. He'll talk with us about the habits, likes and dislikes of especially young birds.

Thijs van Vuure

Thijs is enrolled in the research master Brain & Cognitive Sciences. Following the American philosopher Thomas Nagel (What is it like to be a bat? 1974), he wonders what it is like to be a bird. A project on perception, experience and consciousness. This afternoon he will lead 10 singers in birdsong.


Bird Sunday, art, music and bird theory - Erik Diekstra

Make your own earrings

Ankie of Fool's Gold will guide you in making a beautiful pair of silver-plated swallow-earrings. Participating costs €27,50 (includes €12,50 for materials).

Make a Worm Hotel

Always dreamed of having a pet, but do your parents think you are too young? We have the ideal pet for you (and for your parents): a worm. He doesn't eat much and you don't have to walk him. Make your own Worm Hotel at the Hot Love Nest. The workshop is free, all you need to bring is a jar.

Gevonden op de website van Thijs van Vuure.

All rights reserved

F@ff serves quail

In Favelous, Freezing Favela's bamboo restaurant, F@ff chefs Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove are serving quail on a nest of rocket salad.

Gareth Wynne Fitzpatrick

Gareth has been building a human-sized bird's nest at Mediamatic Fabriek. During the final building days he will suspend himself from the ceiling and finish his nest midair. Besides this spectacle he will also give a short presentation of his work.


Bird song experiment - Thijs van Vuure conducted a performative experiment during Bird Sunday at Mediamatic Fabriek. Erik Diekstra

More information

The workshops started in the early afternoon. Visit this page for times. The rest of the program started at 16:00. Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Entrance with a valid membership (€5,- for 4 weeks). Kids half price.

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela was a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek. The Fabriek is situated in the Van Gendthallen on Oostenburg, Amsterdam. The space is big, unheated, and the roof leaks. Designers, cooks and other makers had claimed part of this space as their own. Favela citizens were making tosti's from scratch, paper from cow dung, furniture from cardboard, and food from our aquaponics farm. They gave workshops, organized get-togethers, and served food.