Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Maurice Nio 1 Oca 1989
The Art of Dying
In one animals confront us with our incapacity to become extinct. In the other an obscure machine confronts us with the obsession for storing information. Two installations by IVO VAN STIPHOUT.
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Friedemann Malsch 1 Oca 1989
The artist KLAUS PETER SCHNUTTGER-WEBS started out in Cologne in 1981, developing from being a critic who attacked the commodity-based character of the art market to become a real cult figure who...
In Memoriam Videokunst
An Instructive Exhibition
Video Art has passed on. It will be laid to rest in the next few months by the Cardinal of the West German faithful, DR. WULF HERZOGENRATH, assisted by that relative novice DR. EDITH DECKER. The...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Stefaan Decostere, Chris Dercon, john wyver 1 Oca 1989
The New Museum
script for a television program
The six sequences published here have been taken from a script consisting of 19 sequences, they were written during the second half of 1988 by Stefaan Decostere and Chris Dercon, translated and...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Soup for your thoughts
20Eyl 2012Our Fall project Ruilen is an exhibition and series of events with a focus on swapping. We shared experiences and ideas on no-money-trade over a hot meal. Want to join us another time? September 27...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Smakelijk eten voor ouderen
4Eki 2012Wij nodigen jou – oudere van nu of oudere van de toekomst - uit om mee te komen praten over het eten in verzorgingshuizen. Onder het genot van een authentieke vriesverse Tafeltje Dekje maaltijd...
Stage bij HMK {Hotel MariaKapel}
Stagiair Productie, PR en organisatie gezocht
HMK zoekt een stagiair met interesse in hedendaagse beeldende kunst, en met sterke communicatieve en organisatorische vaardigheden, die ons 3 á 4 dagen in de week ondersteunt bij taken op het gebied...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Geert Lovink 1 Oca 1989
Media Archeology
In the shadow of French philosophy is a West German project currently researching media history. The work does not investigate mass communication, all-powerful monopolies, censorship and is openly...
Erik Diekstra
getraind oog, beeldmaker & media-vormgever
Mediamatic Fabriek
Soup for your thoughts
13Eyl 2012Our Fall project Ruilen is an exhibition and series of events with a focus on swapping. We shared experiences and ideas on no-money-trade over a hot meal. Do you want to join us another day? See our...
Bernhard Knoblach
Art and life are not what you see but what you get
book: Paul Watzlawick
Anleitung zum Unglücklich sein
A short introduction to get an unhappy life.
Lunch Swap
Connecting Art, Food and Life
A community project using the medium food with the means to emphasize facilitating and nurturing new beginnings as well as maintaining ongoing connections
project: saron paz
Story Store
Installation by Saron Paz
Exchange your stories and objects in the Story Store. The Story Store was an exploration into the connections between objects, stories, and people.
Ik ben toch niet koekoek!
Cato Duyvis
Mijn naam is Cato , 19 jaar oud en ik ga vanaf september bij Mediamatic werken. Nu studeer ik nog Communicatie en Mediadesign en wil ik volgend jaar een minor journalistiek volgen. Mijn tweemans
Al zoekende naar een baan in media en cultuur, met een BA of Arts op zak, geniet ik van alle geuren, kleuren, smaken, invloeden en ontwikkelingen dat het leven te bieden heeft!
project: Carolina Caycedo
Day to Day
Personalized exchanges
Artist Carolina Caycedo trades personal possessions and services. She creates art that discusses concepts of boundaries such as those between producers and consumers, professionals and amateurs
project: Donna Wolf
Swapping artworks for business services
Déiska is an organization that provides a broad range of business services to carefully selected young artists. The services are tailored to the needs of the young artists as they establish...
project: Lise Skou, Andrea Creutz
Swop Network
Swop Network was initiated in 2003 by Andrea Creutz (Copenhagen) and Lise Skou (Aarhus), as a platform for the production and dissemination of materials and ideas surrounding contemporary political
Eco-friendly swaps dedicated to sustainable, organic goods and services
Ask for what you need Offer what you can
Swap till you drop
Physical, Interactive and Online Swapping
Swap Shops and more
Mediamatic FABRIEK expertmeeting
invulling van de van Gendthallen
Op een mooie zomerse namiddag in juli spraken we met een groep bevriende experts over onze toekomstplannen voor de Mediamatic FABRIEK in de Van Gendthallen.