Ignite Amsterdam
Footage and info
Ignite is a worldwide event showcasing locals and their personal and professional passions. It is fast-paced and merciless: speakers get five minutes to present, making use of twenty slides that auto
Aquaponics Press Material
Footage and info
Mediamatic is exploring aquaponics as an alternative food production method in the city. Aquaponics is the cultivation of plants and fish in a sustainable, recirculating eco-system. We have designed...
Freezing Favela
Footage and info
Freezing Favela is a mini city in the Mediamatic Fabriek , Amsterdam. Builders, cooks and other project developers have had the opportunity to claim their space in the big factory halls. They are...
Marieke Hart
Marieke Hart is mede oprichtster van Thuisafgehaald. Zij verzorgt presentaties en workshops over het delen van eten, sharing economy, mondiaal burgerschap of sociaal ondernemerschap. Daarnaast is zij...
Erwin Kho
Erwin Kho is a Rotterdam-based illustrator and polygon wizard. Erwin has worked for both national and international clients, including: Archis, Aruba, BNA, Delta Loyd, Ernest & Young, FIP, Heinken
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #10
5Şub 2013It's time for the true purpose of our favela - making stuff. At this session we explained everything you need to know to begin building and start making stuff.
Heb je het al gehoord?
Tentoonstelling over nieuws en roddels in het Zuiderzeemuseum
Kijk, luister en beleef de tijdelijke tentoonstelling Heb je het al gehoord? en stel jezelf op de hoogte van de laatste nieuwtjes - van vroeger en nu.
Building Materials
Advice on where to buy what
This is a space for Freezing Favela citizens to share advice on finding building materials. Are you going to GAMMA this weekend? Do you know someone with a bunch of leftover planks? Let your...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Ignite Amsterdam 24
30Oca 2013We're starting the new year fresh! That means we have rounded up twelve speakers with great and in one case a really small idea. Into indie mags, photography, hottubs, trees, culinary misfits, or a...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #8
22Oca 2013We want to start building in the beginning of February, so it's time to talk dirty. At this session, we discussed how Mediamatic will help facilitate turning proposals into projects. For Slum...
In short I'm a storyteller. During my university days I told people's stories through anthropological research in order to show the socioeconomic and political contexts they live in. With WOVOX I...
Kunstencentrum De Appel
Booklaunch Witnessing You
23Oca 2013De Appel arts centre presents the publication "Witnessing You, on trust and truth in a networked world" by Caroline Nevejan.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #6
8Oca 2013This meet and greet was a sub-session for those who need a space to have a drink while discussing the future of the favela.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Everything must go!
4Oca 20136Oca 2013Has your wallet been sucked dry after the intense December-month? Would you still like to get your hands on some high heels, an airbed or some Chinese tea? You could come and pick it up on January 5...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Ignite Amsterdam 23
19Ara 2012From zen gardening to suitcase entrepreneurship, and from abstract photography to Dutch short films. This month's Ignite Amsterdam will present you with plenty of nice ideas to get you through the...
Tim Fennis
Mediamatic Fabriek
Let's make something about swapping
15Ara 2012Let's say the days of the lonely designer are over. Instead we make a new model of design by working together. During the workshop "Make," you found out how swapping can be a method for producing...
KJO Training Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Community Management Training
6Ara 2012LET OP! Deze training is al geweest. Klik hier voor ons huidige programmaoverzicht. Hier kun je ook vinden wanneer de volgende community management training plaatsvindt. Hier bij Mediamatic zijn we...
Jasmijn Andringa
Freelance concept en programma maker voor sympathieke projecten - Founder Table of 10
Ik werk als freelancer aan projecten met positieve impact. Daar begon ik ooit mee met mijn stichting Nobel waarmee ik, samen met reclame en media grootheden, projecten bedacht en produceerde om...
Jurrian de Klerk
Memberships & OV-Kunstkaart
After my study Event and Arts Management I started working at Mediamatic since the end of 2012. Currently I am developing a membership system; we try to connect and involve customers more to our...