Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
Kom je ook? - Buiten spelen met mobiele media
9Ara 2010Tweeps vonden de Kom je ook? over mobiele media “Inhoudelijk fantastisch”, met “lekkere eye-openers”, een “tof initiatief om de culturele sector uit de comfort zone te halen” en “zeker interessant...
Bijlmer Parktheater Twitter, Facebook
Kom je ook 5 – Sterke Verhalen
1Haz 2010Waarom houden mensen van verhalen? Wat is een goed verhaal? En hoe kun je verhalen gebruiken voor publieksparticipatie? Een hele dag in het Bijlmer Parktheater vol live performance, analyse en...
Kunstencentrum De Appel
For the blind man in the dark room looking for…
12Şub 201028Mar 2010On the occasion of the inauguration of the new exhibition venue ‘de Appel Boys’ School’ on the Eerste Jacob van Campenstraat 59 in Amsterdam, de Appel presents “For the blind man in the dark room...
Sjoerd Kerkstra
Master of Artificial Intelligence (UvA) I like simplicity. I like interfaces which do not tell you what to do. Like post-its.
Iana Krachunova
is Online
Digital Artist
The mycelium inspiration
On the website Everyone Forever has published the work of Ryan Alexander a graphic designer working, at least in this series, with the programming open source Processing
Berit Schuck
Berit Schuck is a dramaturge and festival curator who lives in Berlin, Germany.
Stichting Premsela
The Premsela Stichting (Premsela Foundation) is an independent organisation that develops the role and significance of design in culture, society and the economy. The foundation organises conferences
It would be so nice
23Oca 201024Mar 2010Foam_Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam toont in het kader van de Amsterdam International Fashionweek het werk van de jonge mode- en portretfotograaf Mylou Oord.
DOEN pitch ‘Public as Programmer’
The winning DOEN pitches are Know-How Show-How, pitched by Dima Stefanova, and MyStage by WORM. They were rewarded with a free one-day DOEN Clinic and have a shot at funding from the DOEN Foundation.
Plazaplus Festival
14Oca 201016Oca 2010'Explorations in media-art and live performance.' Plazaplus is an international art festival that focusses on emerging and established artists, musicians and filmmakers. Presenting new collaborations
De Nieuwe Anita
St. Polaroid
29Ara 200929Ara 2009Een zeer gezonde witte gei’t van Klaas Knooihuizen, met Lars Gierveld, Selma en St. Polaroid. En Maaike kan je lekker fris het jaar uitknippen... Aanvang 20.00 uur, entree vrij.
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Media Technology MSc Exhibition
7Oca 201017Tem 2010The Media Technology MSc program is a place where students are encouraged to formulate their own scientific questions, and to translate personal inspiration and curiosity into their own research...
Always Coca-Cola?
22Ara 200920:30 "Holy Water" 21:30 "Mine, story of a sacred mountain" 21:45 Debate
Apply now!
the application period for the international MA program ePedagogy Design – Visual Knowledge Building starts on 4 January 2010 and ends at 4:15 pm on 26 February 2010. Applications received by 4:15 pm...
(IN)VISIBLE. Learning to Act in the Metaverse
Sonvilla-Weiss Stefan (IN)VISIBLE – Learning to Act in the Metaverse Publisher: Springer Wien/New York About this book: Now that humans seem to have arrived at the end of their campaigns of discovery
Solving Social Network Fatigue
Social Network sites open up to applications, but how can we make the network our own again?
A social network site is a website where we share some common interest with other people. That interest can be your personal life ( Facebook ), your professional career ( LinkedIn ), your sport
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS Arjan Scherpenisse
29Kas 200830Kas 2008The MobileDevCamp, already in its second installment, brought techies from all over the country (and even from the UK and Finland!) together to teach them about the latest developments in mobile...
White Paper — Open-CI
Open-CI is a new standard that enables social networks to work together seamlessly. By enabling interoperability Open-CI removes the waste of time and closedness currently inherent in social...
ICT verandert ons leven
ICTDelta 2010 in Rotterdam
ICTDelta2010 is een inspirerend en dynamisch festival op 18 maart 2010 in Beurs-WTC te Rotterdam. Wat is nieuw? Wat komt eraan? Hoe helpt ICT innoveren? Er is een grote markt vol prikkelende demo’s...
Digitale pioniers zoekt projectvoorstellen
Laatste ronde Digitale Pioniers met als thema "Vrijstaat"
Digitale Pioniers is een snelle en makkelijke stimuleringsregeling om jouw zolderidee voor een internetproject tot uitvoer te brengen met behulp van geldelijke steun. Het thema voor de 18e en laatste...
A en C gebouw
F.R. DAVID (en)
17Ara 2009De Appel kindly invites you to the launch of the sixth issue of F.R.DAVID, The 'Iditorial' Issue. F.R. DAVID is the journal in the English language published by de Appel that focuses on the 'status'...