Maikel Kersbergen
Visual interaction designer
I'm a visually oriented interaction designer. I am comfortable with concepting, developing interaction patterns and creating the visual design for interactive projects. Furthermore I'm quite capable...
Mark Dooley
Professor of Philosophy at University College Dublin.
Richard Kearney, Mark Dooley 24 Oca 1999
Questioning Ethics
Contemporary Debates in Philosophy
This major discussion takes a look at some of the most important ethical issues confronting us today by some of the world’s leading thinkers.
Why Lithuanians don't dance
and the Austrians don't like prizes
Awards are never fair. And they are never fun. Except maybe for those who take part and win. And even that not always. However, 5 internationally famous artists on show and 50.000 euros in prize...
book: Andy Clark 17 Oca 1996
Mind and morals
Essays on Ethics and Cognitive Science
The essays in this anthology deal with the growing interconnections between moral philosophy and research that draws upon neuroscience, developmental psychology, and evolutionary biology. This cross
book: Christopher Falzon 7 Mayıs 1998
Foucault and Social Dialogue
Beyond fragmentation
A compelling yet extremely clear investigation of Foucault and offers a new way forward.
book: José van Dyck 11 Mar 1995
Manufacturing Babies and Public Consent
Debating the New Reproductive Technologies
Jose Van Dyck sketches a map of the public debate on new reproductive technologies as it has evolved in the USA and Britain since 1978.
Linda Pijnacker
Vanessa Schauer
I am a third years student of Interactive/Media/Design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Originally I come from Austria. I love to discover other countries, mentalities and languages. I enjoy...
Winners en losers in the Middels East De Balie
Middle East Stock EXchange
15Haz 2008What are the hard trends in the Middle East? What is the future of the economy of the Middle East, of oil, international aid and security in the region? Experts and analysts from the finnancial and...
film: Het Ketelhuis
Blackwater Fever
12Haz 2008Filmpremiere met een inleiding door Jan Pronk Aanvang 21.00 uur in het Ketelhuis
Rafal Mazur
Listen: www.myspace.com/rafalmazur
Ruud Loeffen
scenario courses in Bruxelles (1986). Teacher in Social Work, Hogeschool Zuyd (1981-now). In 2007 I wrote "De natuur van mensen. De biologische factor in menselijk gedrag". Zie www.human-evolution.nl
PLAYSTATION @ Galerie Fons Welters Galerie Fons Welters
Lucy Teasdale
25Nis 200831Mayıs 2008Hoewel ze verwijzen naar 19e eeuwse beelden, zijn de sculpturen van Lucy Teasdale bijzonder eigentijds. Niet alleen door de enkele, felle kleur die de beelden gekregen hebben, maar ook door de...
Kunstenaarsinitiatief Paraplufabriek
About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak
24Nis 20084Mayıs 2008"About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak" is a title that expresses resistance. But exactly what do the three artists resist in this exhibition?
Hot Spot #21
24Nis 200824Nis 2008Hoe komt het dat de publieke omroep al jaren praat over meer diversiteit, maar dat de kleur van de publieke omroepen eigenlijk niet wezenlijk verandert? Een doorsnee avond op de Nederlandse radio of...
Lezing Oron Catts
20Nis 2008Als medeoprichter en hoofd van SymbioticA, School of Anatomy & Human Biology aan de Universiteit van West-Australië heeft de overgrote meerderheid van Catts’ artistieke en wetenschappelijke productie...
exhibition: Danielle Boelling
Augmented Reality
31Mayıs 200821Haz 2008Augmented Reality (AR) gaat over het combineren van de echte wereld met een virtuele. Zo ervaart de gebruiker door middel van een transparant scherm, een headset/bril, mobiele telefoon of een ander...
jason margolis
martin pot
Esther Hammelburg
rene pare
Ik ben not-for-profit entrepreneur die verbindingen ontwikkeld tussen high tech en autonome kunst. MAD emergent art center is creative research lab, kennisplatform en publiacties.
Jim Bowes
I am the owner of a couple of sustainable communication businesses. I attended the Urban Typography course in April and left very inspired. Feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to talk about.
although i hate secrets