Public discussion in Amsterdam, Kocaeli, online.
WatSpinoza? ignites public discussion by asking questions based on Spinoza's writings. We formulated the questions together with writer/philosopher Dirk van Weelden, and post them in the public arena.
Shailoh Phillips
project management, screenwriting and interaction design at Kunstgebouw & Studio Babel
Project manager New Media at Kunstgebouw. In 2009, I co-founded Studio Babel with Annemieke Gerrist. Together with two others, we form a interdisciplinary creative collective. Our studio is located...
Spinoza te gast bij Ik R.I.P.
Filosoferen over de dood
De Ik R.I.P. expositie laat zien hoe verschillende kunstenaars zich hebben laten inspireren door de dood. Focus van de tentoonstelling is de relatie tussen de dood, identiteit en zelfexpressie.
<>TAG Presents: Feedback Structures
27Mar 20098Mayıs 2009As you may know <>TAG was invited to this year’s Club Transmediale (CTM) festival in Berlin to contribute and investigate the festival’s theme: Structures. Art collective feedbacksociety was also...
Sean Stevenson
Photography, swimming, cycling, reading, Sociology, ethics, design & architecture, human nature, IT, Techno, Dvorac, Pergolesi, BBC: Horizon, Newsweek, Ned: Tegenlicht, Boeken, Buitenhof, Amelie
Susan Sontag: Regarding the pain of others…
15Nis 200924Haz 2009Te midden van de hedendaagse discussies over de verhouding tussen het fotografische beeld en de wereldwijde conflicten en oorlogen - vaak geclassificeerd als een ‘war of images’ - en de golf aan...
Lees | Denk | Discussieer
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
RFID Sniffer Workshop
22Mayıs 2009Mediamatic organizes a bunch of RFID Sniffer workshops. In this workshop you can assemble your own RFID Sniffer circuit, guided by the Sniffer designer Marc Boon.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
RFID Sniffer Workshop
10Nis 2009Mediamatic organizes a bunch of RFID Sniffer workshops. During this workshops you can assemble your own RFID Sniffer circuit, guided by the Sniffer designer Marc Boon.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
RFID Sniffer Workshop
4Nis 2009Mediamatic organizes a bunch of RFID Sniffer workshops. During this workshops you can assemble your own RFID Sniffer circuit, guided by the Sniffer designer Marc Boon.
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The Islanders: An Introduction
28Şub 20097Haz 2009Charles Avery (Schotland, 1973) werkt sinds 2004 aan ‘The Islanders’, een epos in woord en beeld over een eiland voor de Schotse kust. Met behulp van teksten, tekeningen, installaties en sculpturen...
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Deadly Medicine
13Mar 200919Tem 2009The National Socialist regime made the race issue the key theme of its health and demographic policy in 1933. By 1945, 400,000 people had undergone forced sterilization and in Germany and Austria...
Roland Willems
Mar Chen
Nora Morton
Sarah Birgitte Berckenkamp
project manager n8
als projectmanager n8 organiseer ik in een team van drie personen de museumnacht, nachtsalons en andere projecten om jongeren te verbinden met de musea van Amsterdam.
Barack Obama
44th president of the United States (2008- )
44th president of the United States. Member of the Democrats, and first black president in the history of the United States. Wants to close Guantanamo Bay detention camp and to reform the public...
Eko coffin photo report
How to fold your coffin step by step
Discover how easy it is to put together a cardboard coffin. The Eko-Ben company from Poland demonstrates their environmentally friendly products. Mediamatic ordered a stack of cardboard coffins with...
De Veemvloer
Opposites Attract: On Dialectics
8Oca 200815Şub 2009Opposites Attract – On Dialectics is de eerste tentoonstelling in Nederland die qua inhoud en vorm het begrip Dialectiek in de kunst thematiseert, terwijl deze tijd en dit land gekenmerkt worden door...
Nieuwe Kerk
Heilig Vuur; Religie en spiritualiteit in de…
13Ara 200819Nis 2009De Nieuwe Kerk nodigt het Stedelijk Museum uit om de collectie van het museum zichtbaar voor het publiek te houden met de tentoonstelling Heilig Vuur. Religie en spiritualiteit in de moderne kunst...
De Appel
The Future will last longer than the past
7Ara 20081Mar 2009Otto Karvonen is a visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland. He graduated with an MFA from the Sandberg Institute Amsterdam in 2002. His work consists mainly of temporary performative actions and...
The Return of Religion and Other Myths
29Kas 20081Mar 2009BAK, basis voor actuele kunst presents The Return of Religion and Other Myths. The opening takes place on Saturday 29 November 2008 at 16.00 hrs at the Nicolaďkerk, Nicolaaskerkhof 9, Utrecht.