Graphic Design
Alfiana Matulessy
Graphic Design at Mediamatic. Family, Traditions, Social Culture, Traveling and Multicultural Issues, these are few of my favorite things.
Wat als Facebook je in de steek laat?
Te veel vertrouwen in externe sociale netwerken kan schadelijk zijn. Tenzij je je vrienden ‘terugsteelt’.
Deze week publiceerde Chris Leydon, een videomaker uit Londen, over het verlies van zijn Facebook–account . Hij weet nog steeds niet waarom het gebeurde maar zijn sociale leven en communicatie werden...
De Groene Liefde
De groene Liefde, stadscommunity, biologisch, bereikbaar voor iedereen, gezond.
Marieke Hart
Marieke Hart is mede oprichtster van Thuisafgehaald. Zij verzorgt presentaties en workshops over het delen van eten, sharing economy, mondiaal burgerschap of sociaal ondernemerschap. Daarnaast is zij...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #10
5Şub 2013It's time for the true purpose of our favela - making stuff. At this session we explained everything you need to know to begin building and start making stuff.
book: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Star Wars Meets Game of Thrones
Brian K. Vaughan's first creator-owned work to be published through Image Comics.
Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen
Trouwen zoals vroeger
5Nis 20136Nis 2013In samenwerking met de BankGiro Loterij en Museumkaart organiseert het Zuiderzeeuseum in mei de MuseumMaand. Deze hele meimaand staat een bijzondere levensgebeurtenis centraal in het buitenmuseum; de...
Heb je het al gehoord?
Tentoonstelling over nieuws en roddels in het Zuiderzeemuseum
Kijk, luister en beleef de tijdelijke tentoonstelling Heb je het al gehoord? en stel jezelf op de hoogte van de laatste nieuwtjes - van vroeger en nu.
Offline ‘check in’ for Facebook Places
Check in without a smart phone or tablet
Mediamatic Lab introduces the physical ‘check in’ for Facebook Places. With Facebook Places, you can ‘check in’ at a location, just like you would with the Foursquare app, for example. When visitors...
Building Materials
Advice on where to buy what
This is a space for Freezing Favela citizens to share advice on finding building materials. Are you going to GAMMA this weekend? Do you know someone with a bunch of leftover planks? Let your...
Alice Cappelli
Social Designer
My visual story With a degree and a master in product design, I work in the field of international cooperation in the developing world, taking part in projects relating to the handicraft sector...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #9
29Oca 2013We are building a favela inside Mediamatic Fabriek. But what will our city look like? How can we generate heat, how do we feed people, and how will we clean up our shit? A group of designers and...
Mediamatic Fabriek
20Oca 2013Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum and Bert Kommerij use sand to create temporary interactive artworks by mapping locations with sand circles.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #7
15Oca 2013In our seventh session for our Freezing Favela project there was soup, advice on building with straw bales, and an opportunity to have a sit down with our neighbours.
Freezing Favela Area Map
The favela is slowly being divided
During Slum Sessions #5 each proposal took part in a game, with Play The City, to claim their space in the Freezing Favela by placing models inside a maquette of the Mediamatic Fabriek . This is the...
In short I'm a storyteller. During my university days I told people's stories through anthropological research in order to show the socioeconomic and political contexts they live in. With WOVOX I...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #5
6Oca 2013Plans for the Freezing Favela are becoming more concrete. During this session participants partook in a game, hosted by Play the City, to find out the best way to realize their project. Where should...
Rules of play
These are the rules we used during Slum Sessions #5 to find out who can go where, with Play the City.
Temporary Museum of Random Art
9Şub 2013Geïnspireerd door Streetartists die de openbare ruimte voor zichzelf claimen, door flashmobs waarbij een korte bijeenkomst van een heleboel mensen anderen compleet verrast en door Art-Bombing waarbij...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #6
8Oca 2013This meet and greet was a sub-session for those who need a space to have a drink while discussing the future of the favela.
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Workshop
11Oca 201331Ara 2016At Mediamatic we're in the know about aquaponics: a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. We continue to share our knowledge by organizing workshops...
food @ freezing favela
In the Freezing Favela f@ff will work together with the other food projects and now continue as Favelous . Together they create a cozy space where you can dine, drink and meet.
Do not Plan
Play the City Workshops
This proposal did not evolve into a project We are working happily in our little office in Amsterdam Noord. However we need a large space to be able to run our city games with public. The city game...