Een man voor mijn moeder
Een energieke, positieve, stralende vrouw, leest graag, discussieert graag over politiek, wandelt graag en veel, is dol op musea, zeer geïnteresseerd in architectuur en design. Mijn moeder is niet...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Everything must go!
4Oca 20136Oca 2013Has your wallet been sucked dry after the intense December-month? Would you still like to get your hands on some high heels, an airbed or some Chinese tea? You could come and pick it up on January 5...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Mediamatic Eetclub: swap gifts over lunch
30Ara 2012Forget the cold, wet weather and join us in our sustainable urban aquaponics farm. We've been growing loads of veggies and fish, and finally it was time to harvest. Celebrate the launch of the...
Inside the white whale
Studio Vacant NL (Sandberg Instituut) makes dynamic spaces from container liners (big, white bags) in which to work, meet and discover. Step into the belly of the white whale.
Trash Lab
In the Trash Lab we gave a new life to materials that were regarded as waste. Using our design expertise we experimented and researched how we could transform these “trash” materials into new design...
Senko Kabbes
Social Media Marketing
Interactieve installaties bij de lancering van…
Een nieuw platform voor Amsterdamse ondernemers
Op 6 maart vond de lancering van Het Fundament plaats in het Amsterdam Museum. Aanwezigen konden foto’s maken via de ikCam en hun stem uitbrengen bij de verschillende ikPolls .
The White Trash Factory
First sip of vodka
In collaboration with Alexander Krone (Denmark) and André Avelãs (Portugal) our favela started producing white spirits out of organic trash collected from the neighbourhood. During Slum Sessions #2...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Let's make something about swapping
15Ara 2012Let's say the days of the lonely designer are over. Instead we make a new model of design by working together. During the workshop "Make," you found out how swapping can be a method for producing...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #4
18Ara 2012We had another productive Slum Sessions, sharing proposals and envisioning collaborations for our Freezing Favela. We also discussed the rules of play for our next session where we will game to...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #3
4Ara 2012Designers, builders and livers have been happily discussing the future of the Freezing Favela. During Slum Sessions #3 we shared our proposals to fulfill the favela needs.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Middag in de Fabriek
29Kas 2012Donderdagmiddag 29 november staat Mediamatic Fabriek in het teken van nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van sociale marketing in de erfgoedsector. Ook kun je kennis maken met onze nieuwe...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Ignite Amsterdam 22
28Kas 2012Starting this month Ignite Amsterdam takes place at Mediamatic Fabriek. That means we weren't only talking about ideas, but were actually inside one. (Find out more about the Fabriek here). That said
Mediamatic Fabriek
Fashion Swap
25Kas 2012In collaboration with Toko van Timur (an initiative from Amsterdam East) we organised Toko deLux. Visitors swapped the sweater that, honestly, looked better on the mannequin, last year's winter coat...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #2
20Kas 2012We enjoyed a very productive session, planning the future of our favela whilst sipping on homemade Vodka produced organically from 100 % local trash.
Bring Your Own Beamer 14/12 NUtrecht
14Ara 2012One night and one space to use all the beamers you can get your hands on in order to transform an empty space into an exhibition like you've never experienced before. Friday December 14th, SETUP
Social media marketing
The Automatiek
Interactive installation for the Museum of National History
On May 26th, 2010 the Museum of National History presented the Automatiek . Mediamatic Lab contributed to the design, built the installation and provides ongoing technical support. The Automatiek is...
OV-kunstkaart in the Concertgebouw
Over 500 new members in 5 hours at Het Concertgebouw Open.
On June 16th, the OV-kunstkaart was used for social media marketing and voting on this viewing day of The Concertgebouw. Visitors were able to use their RFID public transport card (OV-chipkaart) to...
If I were the Mayor...
Play the City: envision the future of Istanbul using our installations
On October 13, visitors of the Design Biennial in Istanbul will come together and envision the future of their city. On this day, the Istanbul Modern Museum will host a Play the City event. Play the...
Buy Nothing - Swap Clothing
Sunday, November 25, 14:00 - 17:00
This weekend honours universal Buy Nothing Day and what better way to celebrate than to fuel a barter system and avoid money all together? Winter is showing its ugly head again and all of us could...
Of gewoon poes.
De tompouce. Het lijkt een delicatesse, maar pas wel op. De heren aan de top van deze staat steunen de tompoucenbakkers op dusdanige wijze dat de cultuursector er jaloers van kan worden, maar...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Quantified Self Amsterdam #6
19Kas 2012Quantified Self Amsterdam is a show and tell for people who want to know more about personal self-tracking tools, using digits to analyse themselves, others and the world surrounding them.
Social Media Marketing Nienke Fonk
Interactieve installaties op Kom je ook?
Symposium over vriendenclubs
Op 29 maart 2012 vond de elfde editie van het symposium Kom je ook? plaats in de Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. De aanwezige interactieve installaties gaven een bijzondere extra dimensie aan het...