Faina Lerman
Artist, researcher and educational programs facilitator
Spui 25
Gender, seksuele identiteit en seksualisering
17Mar 2009Als we de media mogen geloven seksualiseert de samenleving in een rap tempo. Pornografie neemt een steeds prominentere plaats in. Vooral op het internet profileren vele subgenres en zijn...
Eva de Bruijn
Barbara Hovens
herman van den boom
Herman van den Boom is an artist/photographer since 1971. He was born out of Dutch-Belgian parents in Belgium, but much later raised in Holland. As soon as possible he started to travel worldwide.
esther · inagüi
learnig about body
mert sahbaz
De Veemvloer
Sleep Around More!
19Mar 200922Mar 2009On Thursday the 19th of March “Sleep Around More!” will open its doors at the Veemvloer. This exhibition will be open for three days only. “Sleep around more!” has been initiated by the honours...
Ellada Evangelou
Coordinator at Rooftop Theater Group
Ellada was born in Limassol. She holds a BA in English (University of Cyprus) and an MFA in Dramaturgy (SUNY at Stony Brook, NY). She has been involved in most of the aspects of theoretical and...
Galerie 32-34
14Mar 20092أيار / مايو 2009Met werk van Anje Roosjen, Netty van Osch en Remko van Drongelen
Expositie bij SeARCH
12Mar 200930Jun 2009Een dubbel expositie met foto's van Lard Buurman en schilderijen en tekeningen Charlotte Schleiffert.
Associação Portuguesa de Joalharia Contemporânea
A PIN tem como objectivo a promoção de joalharia contemporânea, o intercâmbio de informação e de experiências, e o desenvolvimento de projectos teóricos e práticos no âmbito da joalharia. PIN aims to...
dopolavoro Martin Butler
s/s 1989-2009
3Mar 200918Apr 2009S/S 1989-2009 the twenty year retrospective of the dutch fashion/photography duo FREUDENTHAL / VERHAGEN
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Passed Away Salon
25Mar 200925Mar 2009The Passed Away Salon of Wednesday 25 March 2009 was a special evening about death, with presentations in which death was approached from many different perspectives. Pathologist Frank van de Goot...
De Veemvloer
Medical Body
27Feb 20091Mar 2009Medical Body bestaat uit vijf video installaties die elk afzonderlijk ingaan op de relatie tussen het persoonlijke lichaam en het lichaam als een medisch onderwerp. Aan de hand van de dialectische...
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Deadly Medicine
13Mar 200919Jul 2009The National Socialist regime made the race issue the key theme of its health and demographic policy in 1933. By 1945, 400,000 people had undergone forced sterilization and in Germany and Austria...
Pakhuis Afrika
Streetlab Supermarket
28Feb 20091Mar 2009Na het succes van de eerdere editie tijdens Streetlab Zuidoost opent de Supermarket nu in de Streetlab Projectspace. In deze tijdelijke ruimte organiseert Streetlab verschillende showrooms
Aarhus Kunstmuseum
Enter Action
7Feb 200926Apr 2009Enter Action - Digital Art Now invites us to take a trip through digital art created by international artists. The works represent a broad selection of genres within the digital art sphere such as...
Bending the Cosmos
28Feb 200928Mar 2009TORCH Gallery is pleased to present Bending the Cosmos, the third solo exhibition of US painter Terry Rodgers in the Netherlands. Bending the Cosmos will open in the presence of the artist on...
Die Dutch catalog
A project by Lucyeileen Hernandez
For her graduation project at the Hogeschool van de Kunsten in Utrecht in 2005, Lucyeileen Hernandez designed a funeral catalog. As a Mexican native living in the Netherlands, Lucyeileen was struck...
Mediated mourning rituals and the cultural acceptance of death
The following is an excerpt from my MA thesis entitled 'Praise the media!' in which I look at examples of mourning rituals, namely the LCD embedded gravestone, through the looking glass of media...
Mail & Female
Onze opvatting is dat seks en erotiek voor iedereen een vrolijk en diepgaand aspect van het leven zou moeten zijn. Overal om ons heen zien we seks en erotiek, het is steeds meer aanwezig in de...
Edward Pranger Oriental Art Gallery
Feminine Sensitivity
7Mar 20095Apr 2009Yoshiko Matsumoto Gallery is pleased to announce the 2 person exhibition Feminine Sensitivity, the first exhibition of Korean artists Jeong Ho Park (South Korea, 1958) and Saerom Park (South Korea
Adam Etmanski
Adam Etmanski is a photographer who lives and works in Amsterdam. His work was presented at Foam and also in the exhibition space Le Bal in Paris. Previously, he showed his work in Rencotre d’Arles...