Meinbert Gozewijn van Soest
“Meinbert is a very skilled, talented and professional artist. His drawings have of a sinister and yet strangely appealling atmosfere. DSM has a serie of 8 drawings in the company art collection.”...
Kleren maken de man/vrouw
Interview met modeontwerper Ties Princen
Aanstaande zaterdag presenteert ontwerper Ties Princen zijn collectie ‘Le Rossignol de Lilas’ tijdens Golden Nights bij Mediamatic. Recentelijk liet hij deze nieuwe herenlijn al zien op de Mode...
Over het IJ Festival 2009
7Jul 200912Jul 2009Over het IJ Festival vindt sinds 1992 plaats op de voormalige NDSM-werf en in de wijken van Amsterdam-Noord. Het festival begon met een programmering van grootschalige spektakelvoorstellingen op...
De Bouwkeet In Zuid
Video art lovers
11Jul 200911Jul 2009Een middag videokunst kijken vanuit de eeuwige seksestrijd: macho kunstenaars versus geëmancipeerde kunstenaressen. Wat waren de belangrijkste historische ontwikkelingen en wat is eigenlijk echte...
A community of the dead
A conversation with Elizabeth Heyert
Mary Caparitia Bush is ready to go to the party. She is wearing a stunning black sequin dress with a pattern of white leaves. Lace gloves and a pink hat with a flower complement the look. Mary’s hair...
17Jul 200913Sep 2009MP3II is the second in a series of exhibitions and publications from the Midwest Photographers Project. The first volume of MP3 (and exhibition), originally published in 2006 by Aperture, featured...
Dmitry Paranyushkin
aka DeeMeeTree
Performance artist and web entrepreneur from Russia based in Berlin.
Julidans 2009
1Jul 200911Jul 2009De negentiende editie van het internationale dansfestival Julidans vindt plaats van woensdag 1 tot en met zaterdag 11 juli 2009. Hoogtepunt van Julidans 2009 wordt ongetwijfeld Sutra van Sidi Larbi...
Maxalot Pop-Up Gallery Gabi Ercicia
Booming Living Room
28Jun 2009Enter space in where borders, creators and spectators blurr.
Rutger Wolfson
12Jun 20095Sep 2009Boukje Schweigman is al jaren gefascineerd door de draaibeweging. Na WERVEL (2005) presenteert zij deze zomer de voorstelling WIEK.
De Waag
11Jun 2009Donderdag 11 juni zullen Karen Lancel en Hermen Maat hun performance installatie TELE_TRUST presenteren in het Theatrum Anatomicum van Waag Society. Het publiek kan eraan deelnemen en tegelijk zal...
Arnhem Fashion Biennial 2009
6Jun 20096Jul 2009For a month the centre of Arnhem will literally form the core of the third edition of the Arnhem Mode Biënnale. SHAPE is the connecting thread of the greatest cultural fashion event in the world.
Galerie Fons Welters
Haisho No Tsuki
13Jun 200918Jul 2009Het video drieluik ‘Haisho No Tsuki’ (om de maan verduisterd te zien) van de kunstenares Yasue Maetake (Japan, 1973) toont beelden die doen denken aan Shinto-achtige rituelen, waarin zij zelf de...
Frascati WG
The Scavengers Daughters
12Jun 200913Jun 2009“The Scavenger’s Daughters” is performed by Kate McIntosh, Ineke Lievens and Miles O’Shea. It's is a co-production of de Appel; STUK kunstencentrum Leuven and Tate Modern, London.
presentation: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Electro clothing and Dynamic Maps
17Jun 2009Nadya Peek showed how sexy weekend hacks turn into long term participatory design, and Jeffrey Warren talked about user generated mapping of urban wildlife, disaster regions and pollution levels.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Sound Clothing
15Jun 200915Jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Night Desire (1997) at City Coucil Bilbao during…
13Jun 2009The video installation consists of projections on nine different windows and is to be viewed from the public space outside the building. The exterior of the building becomes the canvas where the...
Kurye International Videofestival Istanbul
2Jun 200912Jun 2009Raymond Mirrer
lived in places, seen stuff studied communication dance and create
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS Deborah M. Kōdō
Light, sound and touch clothing in the making...
16Jun 200916Jun 2009We were very happy and pleased that we had Nadya Peek in Amsterdam to guide the electro-clothing workshops. The first workshop kicked-off on Saturday June 13. In every workshop I've noticed it's...
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Touch Sensitive Clothing
17Jun 200917Jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Sound Clothing
13Jun 200913Jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Bruggink en Somers
7 juni - 12 juli 2009
Een duo tentoonstelling van Bruggink en Somers