book: Howard Rheingold 1 Jan 2000
The Virtual Community
Homesteading on the Electric Frontier
Cyberculture authority Howard Rheingold was the first to write about online communities in this style that is part-travelogue and part-anthropological guide. This groundbreaking classic explores the...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Geert Lovink 1 Jan 1994
Hartmut Winkler, Switching - Zapping, Verlag Jürgen Häusser, Darmstadt 1991
Zapping is either looked down upon or disapproved of outright. The bourgeoisie sees it as a danger to the public health, a consumer illness to which children are especially vulnerable. Manifold...
book: Hartmut Winkler 1 Jan 1991
Switching - Zapping
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Robert van Boeschoten 1 Jan 1994
Norbert Bolz, Am Ende der Gutenberg-Galaxis, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 1993
Norbert Bolz's most recent book is a summary of past ideas. Interactive means of communication have made McLuhan's End of the Gutenberg Galaxy a reality. Bolz's philosophical view of his subject is...
book: Norbert Bolz 1 Jan 1993
Am Ende der Gutenberg-Galaxis
Die neuen Kommunikationsverhältnisse
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Avon Huxor 1 Jan 1994
Xanadu: The Conversation of the Digital Text
One persistent idea in science fiction has been that of an enormous computer library containing all the books ever produced in digital form. It would be a contemporary Library of Alexandria, and one...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Josophia Grieve 1 Jan 1994
Welcome to Memorymoo
connect giordano 30bruno30 * Connected *
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Geert Lovink 1 Jan 1994
We no longer collect the Carrier but the…
Interview with Tjebbe van Tijen
In Amsterdam, the archives of whoever ventures into the field of politics and culture will sooner or later end up with Tjebbe van Tijen. For many people he is the embodiment of 'storage mania'. How...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Adilkno 1 Jan 1994
Virtual Writing
Everyone is a designer.
Walter Maas Huis
22أيار / مايو 2002Gast in het RadioLab is Sabine Breitsameter. Ze zal onder meer spreken over de radiofone hoorspelpraktijk bij SWR 2.
6th International Browserday
17أيار / مايو 2002Browsershow and contest: More than 30 presentations of exactly 3 minutes by young designers from all over the world. Presentation: John Thackara
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam
Bunta Garbo
12أيار / مايو 200223Jun 2002Soloproject van de Duits/Finse kunstenaar Matti Braun (1968).
27Apr 2002Jop Horst presenteert de door hem ontwikkelde Delta-taal. Dit is een taal die uitwaaiert tot een oneindig aantal klanken en tekens, zodat we niet langer kunnen communiceren.
Noel Douglas 1 Jan 1998
information for action through network technology
What are the hidden histories of the commodities that surround us? Can network technologies serve and defend the public against private interest? We take a trip down to the SupUrmarket and go Ur...
Mathilde ter Heijne's For a better World is a virtual essay on some of the public self-immolations to have been carried out in recent decades, illustrated with video footage and the spoken commentary...
For a better World Buy now!
Mediamatic Foundation (pub), Amsterdam 2002, isbn 90 74728 32 4, English text, 11 euro
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#1 Bert Mulder 1 Jan 1992
Rumour has it...
The computer is the canvas of our time, on which we inscribe our beliefs and read the stories we tell ourselves. The quality of the canvas determines the quality of our communications. To date
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Paul Groot 1 Jan 1992
Famous Artists School, Famous Writer Tool
or: the hankering after a configurated system for the Apple and other rhetorical reflections
In Mediamatic 6#1, Paul Groot reported on his first experiences with a word processor and his struggle with the McHugh. As a sequel to these first impressions, he will review here MicroSoft's Word5...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Jules Marshall 1 Jan 1992
A Network of Relationships
Having a computer on your desk and no modem is like using the Ferrari in your garage only to sit in and listen to the stereo, I once read somewhere. A pc connected to the phone network now has an...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Florian Brody 1 Jan 1995
My Home is my Memory is my Home
Is my home where my heart is or where my computer is? Is home where I want to be or where I am?
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Dirk Van Weelden, Martin Bril 1 Jan 1994
Memos to Malone
John Charles Custer Malone is owner and ceo of tci, the biggest cable operator in the usa, which among other things owns Ted Turner Broadcasting Systems (cnn), The Discovery Channel, and qvc, the usa'...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Nenad Fisher 1 Jan 1994
The following excerpt from Cynic's Manual for war making and how to get away with it is taken from the chapter 'How to waltz to the national Anthem.' Despite such a promising musicological and...
Jan van Eyck Academie
Design Recast Symposium
12Apr 200214Apr 2002Symposium waar 17 internationale sprekers ingaan op actuele vragen rond het ontwerperschap in een tijdperk van voortgaande medialisering en informatie-uitwisseling.
Het Buitenland
1Apr 2002Op 2de paasdag opent het Buitenland zijn grenzen weer voor Deejays, Culinaire militanten, Knutselbrigades, Filmfanaten en de rest van alle vluchtelingen voor Pim Fortuyns doctrine.