Winston Hotel
The news doesn't exist anymore
10Apr 2002Sandberg Institute Design Department is questioning the new(s). An exhibition.
Voorbij de Verboden
24Mar 2002Open dag vrijplaats ADM. In de vrijplaats ADM is bijna niets zeker. Een ontruiming hangt permanent als een zwaard van Damokles boven de hoofden van de bewoners. Op de open dag debat o.l.v Harm Botje...
Mediamatic Magazine vol. 8#2/3 Adilkno 1 Jan 1995
Electronic Loneliness
Change the world; stay home. This is the adage of the social ergonomists who have distilled a polity out of the user-friendliness of consumer electronics. Having definitively finished pondering...
Mediamatic Magazine vol. 8#2/3 Lex Wouterloot 1 Jan 1995
At Home in Prison
For fifty years, Eduardo Taguas lived in Spanish boarding schools, reform schools and prisons. He was fifty years old when he was set free.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Willem Velthoven, Dirk Van Weelden, Alfred Birnbaum 1 Jan 1993
World Articles
This issue of Mediamatic was supposed to be the World Issue. A Mediamatic about the whole world… This proved, to say the least, very ambitious… That's why on the next pages, we present to...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Arjen Mulder 1 Jan 1993
World Names
Brief news item: in Bosnia and Hercegovina, the first children conceived by Bosnian women after being raped by Serbian soldiers have been born. The women refuse to recognize these babies and leave...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Arjen Mulder 1 Jan 1993
The Least Materiality
It is me. It is only me.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Jouke Kleerebezem 1 Jan 1993
The Exuberant Publicness of the Promised World
A limitless world seems once again within the grasp of an equally limitless desire. The dumb wish for a world in which we are at home dominates our thoughts and works; it is the desire for a world...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Arthur Kroker, Marilouise Kroker 1 Jan 1993
Excremental TV
Excremental tv: Sacrificial tv, Disciplinary tv, Surveillance-tv, Crash-tv.
We live today in the age of excremental tv. No longer tv under the old sociological sign of accumulation with its coherent division of tv-aesthetics into strategy (official culture) and tactics...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Bilwet 1 Jan 1993
Drug Triptych
Die Kunst hat ihre Geschichte und insofern ihre Zeit. Es ist jedoch noch etwas anderes, Vulkanisches in ihr verborgen, ein Urstoff, der unter der Gestaltung wirkt.
De Appel
Nomads & Residents
12Feb 2002In de lezingenserie 'De Avonden', dit keer Nomads & Residents. Dit is een New Yorks initiatief waarin het duo Bik van der Pol een belangrijk aandeel heeft. Nomads & Residents organiseert...
book: Walter Ong 1 Jan 1988
Orality and Literacy
The Technologizing of the World
Ong pulls together two decades of work by himself and others on the differences between primary oral cultures, those that do not have a system of writing, and chirographic (i.e., writing) cultures to...
De Balie
Public Access
17Feb 2002Lezing door Jeremy Rifkin over vragen als: wie krijgt toegang tot informatie en de ervaringen van de informatiesamenleving? Kan de overheid de publieke toegankelijkheid van informatie en ervaringen...
book: Stuart A. Kauffman 1 Jan 1993
Origins of Order
Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Hein Masseling 1 Jan 1998
Origins of Order
If you ask questions on the origin of species, ecosystems or other complex biological structures, the answers will undoubtedly include the term 'natural selection'. Natural selection, as formulated...
Ingeborg Houwen 1 Jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 4
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 5 of 5) Akte 4 '(geen titel)'
Ingeborg Houwen 1 Jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 3
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 4 of 5) Akt 3 'Ver niet e ging'
Ingeborg Houwen 1 Jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 2
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 3 of 5) Act 2 'de strooi al'
Ingeborg Houwen 1 Jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 1.1
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 1 of 5)
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Model Behaviour
26Jan 200210Feb 2002Interactieve installaties van Jon Thomson en Alison Craighead.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Adilkno, Bilwet 1 Jan 1994
The Next Medium
Everything is medial
There is no original, unmediatized situation in which we can experience an 'authentic' human existence.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Jürgen Zilla 1 Jan 1994
The Music T-Shirt
Mass Phenomenon and Object of Self-Mystification
This is just the theme for spring and summer. As soon as the thermometer reaches 20, layers of clothing disappear and the t-shirt re-emerges, occasionally a delight for the eye, but more often than...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Willem Velthoven 1 Jan 1994
The Eighth Art
This issue of Mediamatic is based on the assumption that advertising was one of the great arts of the twentieth century.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#3/4 Adilkno, Bilwet 1 Jan 1994
The Art of Being Informed
about the Data Dandy
I do not believe in progress, but I believe in the stagnation of human stupidity – I admire Japanese chairs because they have not been made to sit upon