Love dogs, Amsterdam, creativity, learning and multi-tasking. Good at Marketing, Sales, Business Development, Film-making and Training. Realize now I knew a lot more when I was in my 20's.
Masaru Ishikawa
Miguel Herrera
A thankful and proud ex-mediamatician!
During the last 4 years I have had to answer more than 500 times why I came to the Netherlands? Therefore, here's another try: Because is in my culture (Latino) to be superstitious and without any...
herman van den boom
Herman van den Boom is an artist/photographer since 1971. He was born out of Dutch-Belgian parents in Belgium, but much later raised in Holland. As soon as possible he started to travel worldwide.
Ana Bee
media producer at flat-e. Also, owner of a cat called Guinness
ArtAids zet kunst in als wapen in de strijd tegen aids.
ArtAids is opgericht door de Nederlandse schrijver en kunstverzamelaar Han Nefkens, die zelf seropositief is. Er zijn zelfstandige ArtAids-organisaties in Nederland, Thailand en Spanje.
mert sahbaz
Amanda Cheret-Groen
Stefanija Najdovska
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
6Mar 20097Mar 2009Dream Season is een hybride voorstelling waarin kunst en populaire cultuur als het ware samengebracht worden. Via een performance neemt Bachzetsis de conventies van de soap onder de loep en...
Lina Issa
performance and video artist
Lina Issa (Lebanon, 1981) is an artist currently based in Amsterdam. Prior to the Piet Zwart Institute she studied graphic design at the American University of Beirut (1998-2002) and Fine Art at the...
Associação Portuguesa de Joalharia Contemporânea
A PIN tem como objectivo a promoção de joalharia contemporânea, o intercâmbio de informação e de experiências, e o desenvolvimento de projectos teóricos e práticos no âmbito da joalharia. PIN aims to...
Roberto Jacoby
Buenos Aires based artist
Buenos Aires-based artist Roberto Jacoby participated in the Centro de Artes Visuales of the Instituto Di Tella. In 1966 he co-published the "Primer Manifiesto de Arte de los Medios". He also took...
Casino Luxembourg
Colophon 2009
13Mar 200915Mar 2009Colophon is a biennial symposium for magazine makers, experts, advertisers, readers and all creatives involved in the world of the independent magazine. Celebrate your passion for print!
It makes death look okay!
3D at the Ik R.I.P. opening
3D paid a visit to the Ik R.I.P. opening. See what he experienced. Review taken from the 3D List: Week # 21 Subscribe for this weekly email service at sos.kunst [at] gmail.com
Isabella Cota
Del interior de su bolso, sacó el arma que traía. Le destellaban los ojos por la furia que sentía, y en medio del alboroto cayó muerto Rentería.
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Artistic Interfaces
12Mar 2009In this edition of Test_Lab, the outcome of artistic experiments in (counter-) intuitive Artistic Interfaces will be elaborated upon by interaction designer and researcher Kristina Andersen, and...
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Sarah van Sonsbeeck Is an Amsterdam based artist working with immaterial architecture and the ownership of space. She is a former resident of the Rijksakademie and studied architecture (MA) and Fine...
Galerie Gabriel Rolt
21Feb 20094Apr 2009Galerie Gabriel Rolt is proud to present the first solo exhibition in the Netherlands of Israeli artist Noa Giniger, opening on Saturday February 21, 2009. Noa Giniger's work is conceptual
Conny Kuilboer