Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst Elena Perez
Online Radio Workshop
11Apr 200911Apr 2009De workshop behelst een 'hands-on' ervaring in het gebruik van GNU/Linux voor het maken van digitale radio, en een theoretisch overzicht van de betekenis van dit massacommunicatiemiddel: van Orson...
And so the story begins...
Overview of my first activities for the dating project
This article is the first part of the dating chronicles, where I report the findings of my research on Mediamatics dating site. It describes the first events and work that I have done for it.
Public discussion in Amsterdam, Kocaeli, online.
WatSpinoza? ignites public discussion by asking questions based on Spinoza's writings. We formulated the questions together with writer/philosopher Dirk van Weelden, and post them in the public arena.
Filmhuis Den Haag / Zaal 5
Focus on India
3Apr 20093أيار / مايو 2009Tijdens het Movies that Matter Festival is in ZAAL5 een video-installatie te zien met een selectie van Trilogy (1997-2003) en The Torn First Pages (2004-2008) van kunstenaar/filmmaker Amar Kanwar uit...
Galerie Intermezzo
Intermezzo biedt letterlijk en figuurlijk ruimte aan hedendaagse vormgeving; door het tot stand brengen en onderhouden van relaties tussen opdrachtgevers en vormgevers (productvormgevers en...
9Apr 2009In the context of 'The Antagonistic Link', a project by Electric Palm Tree at Casco that deals with inherent frictions and constructive possibilities in transnational links, Polish curator Aneta...
Holland Festival 2009
4Jun 200928Jun 2009Het Holland Festival is sinds 1947 het toonaangevende internationale podiumkunstenfestival in Nederland. Jaarlijks presenteert het festival uitzonderlijke voorstellingen van internationaal niveau.
The dating chronicles
Confessions of a dating researcher
Since february I started doing research on Mediamatics datingsite. Perhaps you noticed me if you are working at Mediamatic. I'm that guy doing something, or some things hidden behind his screen
frank lammers
IK ben Frank Lammers en eigenaar/manager van iMstart.nl en iMusea.nl U bent uitgenodigd op iMstart.nl Uw internationale Mobile startpagina!! Daarin is de Mobiele Museumgids iMusea.nl ook te vinden...
Aria Eghbal
I am really interested to have connection with the people around the world who likes art
Play the odds in Naples (p)
Naples, Italy
Welcome to the birthplace of Lotto where you will get a chance to play with experimental cinemas, artistic laboratories, pirate broadcasting and urban transformations. At the very least I guaranty...
Hotel de Ville
Opening de Bunker
16Apr 200916Apr 2009De Bunker reist in drie jaar tijd langs verschillende steden in Nederland. Op iedere locatie is De Bunker zes weken lang zeven dagen per week open. De toegang is gratis.
Felix Meritis
Nacht van de filosofie
17Apr 2009Verzoening
Arte TV Arte TV
L'art et la manière - Otobong Nkanga.
15Mar 2009Otobong Nkanga est une artiste qui met en scène son corps dans différents supports. A travers son œuvre, elle dénonce les excès de l’homme sur l’environnement et une vision encore archaïque de la...
Trouw Amsterdam Elena Perez
Positions in flux
8أيار / مايو 20098أيار / مايو 2009The symposium 'Positions in flux: On the changing role of the artist and institution in the networked society' will center on some of the major parameters for the current and future development of...
It ain't where you're from, it's where you at
Who Am I? Name: Manasse AbnerTimisela Date of birth: 16/03/1987 Location: Alphen aan den Rijn Website: www.opjebeeldscherm.nl
daphne van der meulen
designer and such
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Think Ahead! Open Platform @ NIMk
Award Competition inviting artists, researchers and hackers!
Do you have a great idea for an online/offline publication, artwork, event, installation, performance, software/hardware tool for cultural purposes, etc.? But you're lacking some budget to put into...
"ana maria almada de alvarez"
Pseudónimo de la mosca...
Trabajo con arte relacional, soy argentina pero vivo en estocolmo. Para ver algunos de mis proyectos: *
Schwere Reiter Halle
Miraculous Agitation - Coils Magnets Music
A creative workshop in Munich by Dan Wilson and Chris Weaver
Drawing the hidden music out of everyday objects. Coils are the very soul of electronic music. The Victorians made them jump, Jimi Hendrix made them howl and this workshop hopes to make them sing. It...
Witte de With
Rotterdam Dialogues: The Artists
16Apr 200918Apr 2009Following The Critics, held in October 2008, and The Curators in early March 2009, the three-part symposium series will now be concluded with Rotterdam Dialogues: The Artists on 16, 17, 18 April 2009.